
Posted on
Picture of user. mhunter Joined: 07/31/2009

Defunct omxRAMExpectation.h file?

I noticed that the typedef struct for the RAM expectation was moved its .h file to the .c file. The comment for the svn checkin says "Improve encapsulation and remove deadcode". Could anyone explain to me how this improves things? Speed ups? Bug removals? New features? Single point of truth?

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Picture of user. mhunter Joined: 07/31/2009

Updated Copyright

I updated the copyright on the OpenMx website, and the source code. The source code update was done with a few lines of sed at the Unix terminal.

find . -name "*.h" -exec sed -i "s/Copyright 2007-2012 The OpenMx/Copyright 2007-2013 The OpenMx/g" '{}' \;

This finds files in the current directory (.) with the name ending in ".h" and executes sed inplace (-i) editing the copyright (replace "Copyright 2007-2012 The OpenMx" with "Copyright 2007-2013 The OpenMx"). Analogous commands where done in models/passing, demo/, man/, and src/.

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Picture of user. mhunter Joined: 07/31/2009

Developers Meeting Notes 2/1/13

At the developers meeting on February 1 we discussed the following.

  • The meeting had more than typical technical difficulties.
  • We were introduced to Mahsa Zahery, a computer science graduate student at VCU. Her two main tasks are to allow GPUs to work on numerical integration routines, and to help make OpenMx more finely grained parallel.
  • We discussed the difficulty of Mahsa Zahery's second task.
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Picture of user. mhunter Joined: 07/31/2009

Developers Meeting Notes 1/25/13

The OpenMx development team discussed the following on January 25:

  • Andreas Brandmaier, Tim Brick, and Timo von Oertzen presented a demo version of an mxPlot command that calls Onyx to draw a diagram corresponding to an MxModel object. I believe the demo was largely made by Andreas. Several aspects of the user interface were discussed at length.
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Picture of user. mhunter Joined: 07/31/2009

Developers Meeting Notes 1/18/13

At the developers meeting on Friday, January 18 2013 we discussed the following topics.

  • Various funding opportunities for the OpenMx Project were brought up.
    • Setting up an OpenMx Foundation similar to other open source projects is a possibility. The the University of Virginia Patent Foundation could help with the legal overhead for this.
    • The MIDDLE project could be repackaged for NSF's EAGER call. This is largely a computer and behavioral science collaboration for cybersecurity.
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Picture of user. mhunter Joined: 07/31/2009

Developers Meeting Notes 1/11/13

At the developer's meeting on 1/11/13 we discussed the following:

  • The group discussed taking a symposium to the Association for Psychological Science conference. Ryne Estabrook, Joshua Prikitin, Mike Hunter, and Tim Brick all expressed interest. The suggested symposium theme is along the lines of imagining various complex models at SEMs. This includes state space models, item response models, and spline regressions / mixture distributions. Talks should probably involve real data, but still be mostly about the methods.
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Picture of user. rgore Joined: 01/27/2011

Developers Meeting Notes 9/7/12

At the Developers Meeting on 9/7/12 we discussed the following:

  • OpenMx 1.2.5 which contains a number of bug fixes was released.
  • The development and design of future integration for PPML and OpenMx. The group also discussed automatically generating random test suites, with a fixed and predictable seed, for PPML and OpenMx.
  • The integration of mxFit and mxExpectation has begun in the branch directory "FitExpection" of the OpenMx repository.
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No user picture. AdminRoss Joined: 03/07/2011

Developer's Meeting Notes 8/31/12

At the Developers Meeting on 8/30/12 we discussed the following:

  • The group discussed the mxFit and mxExpectation proposal. After ironing out some light confusion due to a few typos in the document, the group agreed that it looks very good. Implementation will start on it in the upcoming weeks.
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No user picture. AdminRoss Joined: 03/07/2011

Developer's Meeting Notes 8/24/12

At the Developers Meeting on 8/24/12 we discussed the following:

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No user picture. AdminRoss Joined: 03/07/2011

Developer's Meeting Notes 8/3/12

At the Developers Meeting on 7/27/12 we discussed the following:

  • Steve will meet with Timo either next Monday/Tuesday or the following week to discuss and spec out multi-level modeling. The meetings are expected to last most of two days. Reach out to Steve if you would like to Visimeet into the meeting.