What computers run OpenMx?
You can run recent versions of OpenMx on computers using Windows, MacOS, and most varieties of Linux/GNU.
What do I need to do first?
In order to install the most recent version of OpenMx, you will need a recent version of R.
If you need to download R, it can be found at CRAN.
How do I install OpenMx?
The easiest way to install `OpenMx` is from CRAN: Just open up an R session and type:
You may need to restart R before you can load the freshly installed OpenMx package.
If you want to install the OpenMx Team's build of OpenMx, which uses the NPSOL optimizer, copy the following line into the R command line and press Enter:
You may need to clear R's workspace and restart R before you can load the freshly installed OpenMx package.
Now you should be ready to take a look at the Tutorial User Guide.
Also, take look at other packages such as metaSEM and umx and others that extend the functionality of OpenMx.
Developers: If you are interested in building OpenMx from source, instructions are here.