OpenMx Developer Forums

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Picture of user. mspiegel Joined: 07/31/2009

OpenMx 1.1 new features

With the release of the OpenMx 1.0 series, we have switched to a dual branch development workflow. Any code modifications to the current release cycle (currently 1.0) will consist sole of bug fixes and minor cleanup. New features will be added to the development branch of code. The development branch of code will eventually become the next release cycle (which will be 1.1). As the development branch moves forward, we will periodically issue a binary release of this branch. This release will be in addition to, not in lieu of, stable releases.
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No user picture. AdminMike Joined: 10/07/2009

New Feature Proposals

This forum is for developers to proposal schemes for the implementation of new features. If you post a new topic, please note that you will be the goto person for implementing the new feature. Otherwise, you are probably looking for the OpenMx wishlist forums. Comments from all users are always welcome on any existing proposal.
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Picture of user. AdminJeff Joined: 07/28/2009

New Features

This will be a rolling list of features added to the website:

  • 2010/10/03
    • Developers will now see submenus under the commit log
  • 2009/10/11
    • Michael fixed Subscriptions.
    • Changed the title to "OpenMx" and hardcoded the h1 and title to included " - Advanced Structural Equation Modeling"
  • 2009/10/05
    • Looks like Drupal 6.14 introduced a bug in forum replies. Fixed for now.
  • 2009/10/03
    • Again, haven't done this for a while.
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No user picture. khusmann Joined: 08/11/2019

save progress with mxTryHard

mxTryHard (and variants) don't save their progress (no checkpoint=T)

Perhaps this could be done by expanding the loading and saving of models to also include past fitting attempts. This way mxTryHard can pick up where left off when interrupted, and I can also page through the solutions of all the tries that mxTryHard made.

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No user picture. HomieWomie Joined: 06/12/2020

Mxcompare Clarification

Hi there,

This should be a quick question considering it is probably common knowledge for all of you. I am looking for some clarification regarding the mxcompare output. Just to be certain, is "diffll" synonymous with chi-squared? From the openmx user guide I cannot see where else a chi-square output would be located. If this is not the case, how can one determine the chi-square value from the usual mxcompare output?

Thank you in advance and please excuse my extreme naivety.

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No user picture. yaning Joined: 04/12/2019

gene based gene environment interaction in twin studies

Hello, everyone
I’m going to explore gene environment interaction based gene in twin studies. I’ve searched for literatures, and found general/generalized linear mixed model framework of ACE model may be good choices(
Unfortunately, I'm terrible at math and basic theory. And I cannot find the relevant code.
So I want to ask if anyone has done any research that can give some help.
Thank you!
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No user picture. khusmann Joined: 08/11/2019

saving / loading models

Hello all,

Thanks for all the work on OpenMx!

I know about mxSave and mxRestore, but when I run mxRestore I still have to use mxRun to compute all the numerical derivs before I can print a summary() of the model's results. This can take a while if I am reading in many models.

Would it be possible for mxSave and mxRestore to also save/restore the derivs that are computed in the last step? This way I can run a model, save it, and then instantly load it later when I want to work with the results.

Thanks for your time!

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Picture of user. dtofighi Joined: 10/12/2009


Hello everyone,

First, I would like to thank you for all your fantastic work.

I am wondering if the mxBoostrap() could return an object of class boot from the base boot package. A similar facility has been developed in rms::bootcov() function. This capability makes it standard on how to compute the confidence interval using different approaches available in the boot package.

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Picture of user. rabil Joined: 01/14/2010

Error in ?

I was looking at this example:

When I ran it, there were no estimates for the factor loadings.

This code doesn't include "facLoads". Shouldn't it?

oneFactorJointModel <- mxModel("Common Factor Model Path Specification", type="RAM",
manifestVars=c("x1","x2","x3","z1","z2","z3"), latentVars="F1",
dataRaw, resVars, latVar, means, thresholds)

I think this is what is needed:

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No user picture. jkarch Joined: 03/15/2011

Profiling mxRun on a Mac


I am currently trying to profile the mxRun function on OS X. I am stuck because the fortran code is not at the correct place in the call tree. I described the problem in detail here: Does anybody have any experience with stuff like this?