OpenMx 1.0 feature set
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At the end of the last developers meeting, it was tentatively agreed that we should discuss the feature set for the OpenMx 1.0 release. I propose to make that issue the primary topic for the next developers meeting, on 3/19/10. Of course if something critical comes up this week, we can push the topic forward a week. Logistically, we should have this conversation soon as we are planning a June date for the OpenMx 1.0 release.
Developers: remind ourselves of the feature set promised in the grant. High probability these features will have greatest priority.
Users: if you have a suggestion please post a comment to this forum. All comments are welcome, and will be discussed at the developers meeting.
Agreed. We might circulate
Users ask for a GUI. It's not something we said we'd do in the grant, but it probably belongs on the list. Greg Carey has developed a prototype mxMatrix inspector and editor, which has promise and we should consider whether this is something to be added as part of the package.
One thing to consider is where the boundary of the Core OpenMx package is, and how many additional packages are likely to be spawned. If there are many add-on packages, then perhaps it would be useful to bundle some (or all) of them together. Perhaps, we should set up a protocol for transitioning from add-on to core OpenMx. We sort of did this informally at the meeting in Boulder, with respect to certain of the gen_epi helper functions, but if it's something we're likely to encounter a lot (which I rather hope) then some kind of guidelines would be helpful.
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In reply to Agreed. We might circulate by neale
See the Developers meeting
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