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OpenMx 0.2.3-1006 includes mixture distributions!

Binary version 0.2.3-1006 was released today. Follow the instructions on the Download page to download the new version.

The biggest news is that mixture distribution models are now supported. We have tested using some models with known outcomes for continuous variables and for ordinal variables. Documentation on mixture distributions is not ready yet, so if you are interested in fitting this type of model, please go to the Mixture Distribution and Latent Class Models forum page for discussion.

Another change that will have far reaching consequences is that we can now use matrix indexing in MxAlgebra expressions. Look for discussions on the Mixed Effects and Nested Models forum page describing use of this new feature as a way of allowing random coefficients or hierarchical models with so-called "long format" data.

Changes from 0.2.2-951 include:

  • Added 'vector' argument to mxFIMLObjective() function. Specifies whether to return the likelihood vector (if TRUE) or the sum of log likelihoods (if FALSE). Default value is FALSE.
  • Added checking of column names of F and M matrices in RAM objective functions.
  • Added 'dimnames' argument to mxRAMObjective() function. Populates the column names of F and M matrices.
  • Added square bracket operator to MxAlgebra expressions. A[x,y] or A[,y] or A[x,] or A[,] are valid.
  • Square bracket operator supports row and column string arguments.
  • mxModel(remove=TRUE) accepts both character names or S4 named entities.
  • Added support for x86_64 on OS X 10.6 (snow leopard)
  • Fixed support for x86_64 on Ubuntu 9.10 (gcc 4.4)
  • Generate an error message when inserting a named entity into a model with an identical name
  • Added Anthony William Fairbank Edwards "Likelihood" (1972; 1984) A, B, O blood group example to online documentation
  • Renamed omxCheckEquals() to omxCheckIdentical(). omxCheckIdentical() call "identical" so that NAs can be compared.


Hi Steve - can the scripts that you have run for the mixture models be posted to the Mixture Distribution and Latent Class Models forum page? Thanks!