Boulder Workshop 2016

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Picture of user. AdminRobK Joined: 01/24/2014

Subforum for 2016 Boulder Workshop

This is a dedicated subforum for those at the 2016 International Workshop on Statistical Genetic Methods for Human Complex Traits in Boulder, CO, USA, March 2016. It didn't see as much use as I thought it might when I created it, but at the Workshop this year, we used a "virtual question box" (specifically, a wiki hosted by Institute for Behavior Genetics). The virtual question box is now closed, but the Q&A remain viewable here.
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No user picture. avbroderick Joined: 06/01/2016

Moderation Model - negative estimates


I adapted script from the Boulder workshop to test a univariate twin model with age moderating the variance components of observational data (one single global score per twin member). When I run the model, I get a non-zero status code 6, but I can get the model to run if I add in a main effect of age on the mean. However, this model gives me negative estimates, and I’m not sure if that’s reflective of something wrong with my code. Any help is appreciated!



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No user picture. milana.smolkina Joined: 02/22/2016

Code 6

Hi everyone,

During the workshop you introduced the mxTryHard() command instead of mxRun(), which I read
can be useful when mxRun() returns a code 6.

I am running a bivariate saturated model with binary data. The main saturated model I run seems to run better, but when I use mxTryHard() for sub-models the messages look like this:

Begin fit attempt 1 of at maximum 11 tries
Lowest minimum so far: 3159.84949759196
OpenMx status code 6 not in list of acceptable status codes, 0
OpenMx status code 6 not in list of acceptable status codes, 0