Suggestion Box

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No user picture. andrew_demetriou Joined: 06/02/2021

"newbie" forum

Hello all,

Newcomer to OpenMx here, just getting started and working through the 'Simplified Manual for Beginners'. I'm wondering if it makes sense to have a newbie forum thread, where we can ask basic questions, discuss the exercises in the manual / examples in the documentation, and link to materials that explain specific basic concepts to each other as we learn.

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No user picture. fife Joined: 07/01/2010

A residuals(model) function

I think the subject says it, but I think it's awkward to have to type:

cov2cor(data.matrix(data)) - cov2cor(model$objective@info$expCov)

It seems like it would be simple to have a class (is that the term?) for the residuals function that operates on an mxobject. I often find myself looking at the residual covariance matrix to see where misfit lies.

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Picture of user. smedland Joined: 08/04/2009

checkpointing & CIs

Would it be possible if you are running a model with checkpointing & CI to get it to check point when it hits a solution for an upper or lower CI?
Currently if you running checkpointing & CI it checkpoints when it hits the 'solution' - regardless of the minutes/iterations since the last checkpoint
If it could do the same thing when it finds a CI it would be a great help
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Picture of user. smedland Joined: 08/04/2009

adding suggestions of possible fixes to the error messages

Many of the error messages are getting much clearer. It would be great if the error message could include a suggestion of a possible fix or a link to a webpage with examples of how to fix common errors.

for example
Running ACE
Error: Unknown reference 'Mod1' detected in the entity 'Var1' in model 'ACE'

While users will know that this means they need to check if Mod1 is included in the ACE model it would help new users (and I can't see how it would hurt) to add a suggestion ie

Running ACE
Error: Unknown reference 'Mod1' detected in the entity 'Var1' in model 'ACE'

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No user picture. JWiley Joined: 03/25/2011


It may be a bit early for an extra package with OpenMx still being so actively developed, but I wonder if a public package might be a convenient place to bundle beta/test/hack/mildly useful functions together? This is really a question for the community as I strongly dislike the idea of adding to the developers workload (unless of course it involves cool new OpenMx features....then I'm all for working them round the clock ;).

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Picture of user. Dorothy Bishop Joined: 02/04/2010

decimal places in output

I tried setting outputs from OpenMx to standard numerical format with 4 decimal places as follows:
options(scipen=999) # gets rid of scientific notation!

The first command worked, but the second didn't.
Is there an option to cut down the N decimal places in the output?
Currently I get nine.

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Picture of user. Dorothy Bishop Joined: 02/04/2010


On the download page, where you tell people to install R, could you also point them to Rstudio.
It's free.
It makes the R interface more like Matlab and transforms the R experience. For those of us grappling with learning R alongside learning OpenMx, it makes an enormous difference.
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Picture of user. smedland Joined: 08/04/2009

dot product operator

Is there any chance of building in %.% as an alturnate for the dot product operator *.
I'm seeing so many students confuse this and it is the only mulitplication type that doesn't follow the % % format...
I realise it would be a redundency but I think it would be a useful one.
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Picture of user. tbates Joined: 07/31/2009

A design for parallelizing dependent sub-models

Just a thought on how to get parallizability going between submodels.

This would be a major saving in time for many users of multi-group models, where the submodels have independent data and could be run as stand-alone independent models if they did not also share some parameters (typically located in a top model).

It's straightforward to compute which models a model is dependent on (just list up algebras etc. where the model name is not mine).

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No user picture. kkelley Joined: 08/04/2009

Some suggestions to consider

Hi OpenMx Team - thanks for a great R package!

After using OpenMx for some time now, I have a few suggestions that I'll put forth as things to think about. There may be reasons not to implement some or all of them, but in the spirit of trying to help I thought I would pass them along. I've included numbered suggestions below, but the numbers are arbitrary.

1.) I think fixed parameters should be included as part of the output. If someone has only the output, they will not necessarily know what paths were fixed and what those paths were fixed to. It seems it would