Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations Models

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No user picture. Pablo F Cáncer Joined: 08/15/2021

State space specification of Random Intercept CLPM

Hi, I'm trying to specify a RI-CLPM (Hamaker et al., 2015; Mulder et al. 2021) as a state-space model, but I don't know how to specify the two random intercepts used to capture stable between-individual differences in change. I've tried different ways of including them but none of them worked. Could you please help me identify which matrices should I modify to include the effect of the random intercepts? I leave my code below. Thank you very much for your attention!

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No user picture. janneadolf Joined: 02/06/2015

Bootstrapping State Space Models

I would like to bootstrap standard error estimates for the parameters of a state space model implemented using OpenMx's SSM functionality (i.e., mxExpectationStateSpace). If I hand the example model from the mxExpectationStateSpace documentation page to the mxBootstrap function it does run without any complaints. But I consistently get standard error estimates of 0 and all percentiles land on the point estimates. Is mxBootstrap not (yet) capable of handling (models implying) dependent rows of data?
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No user picture. khusmann Joined: 08/11/2019

threshold support in MxExpectationStateSpace

Hi all,

Was giving MxExpectationStateSpace a whirl, trying to build a model with binary manifest vars. I notice there's an option for thresholds, but it's deprecated -- is it acting as a stub i.e. it hasn't been implemented yet? Are statespace thresholds on the development roadmap?


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Picture of user. mhunter Joined: 07/31/2009

Pre-conference Short Course on Dynamical Systems

Hi All,

Sy-Miin Chow, Michael Hunter, Charles Driver, and Peter Molenaar are teaching a 1-day short course on "Continuous- and Discrete-Time Dynamic Modeling in R" as part of the Psychometric Society conference on July 9th in New York City. The course will use - among other software - ctsem which interfaces to `OpenMx`. More details are on the Education page. Below is the workshop abstract.

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Picture of user. amullings09 Joined: 12/21/2014

Derivative Estimation Methods for 3 time occasions?

I am planning on using on using multivariate latent differential equation modeling for my MA thesis. I will have the opportunity to plan for the parameters, methods, and measurements required to do so. But currently, I am attempting to utilize one of these derivative estimation methods on some data I currently have. Specifically, I have 3 measurements of PTSD, Cortisol, and Coping Self-Efficacy.
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Picture of user. Steve Joined: 07/30/2009

Example Script for LDE estimation

Here is a very basic script for a univariate second order differential equation that Pascal Deboeck and I wrote yesterday. This is the infamous damped linear oscillator.

In order to give you some sample data to run it on, I have attached a data file and used a read.table file that accesses the data file in this post using its URL.

If you have comments, I'd like to hear them!