OpenMx Installation
Windows 8
"source('')" I keep getting the following error message:
Warning in install.packages(pkgs = c("OpenMx"), repos = repos) :
argument 'lib' is missing: using 'C:\Users\Tassie\Documents/R/win-library/2.10'
trying URL ''
Error in download.file(url, destfile, method, mode = "wb", ...) :
cannot open URL ''
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I ran into this problem today while doing a new installation of OpenMx, and I was just curious if this looked familiar to anyone: "/nfs/home/pascal/R/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-library/2.15/OpenMx/libs/ undefined symbol: _gfortran_copy_string"
> source('')
1. single-threaded
2. multi-threaded [default]
Which version of OpenMx should I install? 1
Installing package(s) into '/nfs/home/pascal/R/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-library/2.15'
(as 'lib' is unspecified)
- Read more about _gfortran_copy_string
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Fail to Install on R 3.0 on Windows 7
> source('')
Warning: unable to access index for repository
package ‘OpenMx’ is available as a source package but not as a binary
Warning message:
package ‘OpenMx’ is not available (for R version 3.0.0)
Any suggestion on what to do appreciated!
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Install fails on MacOS X, linker error: Symbol not found: __gfortran_pow_r8_i4
These are the last relevant error message lines:
Error in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...) :
unable to load shared object '/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/2.15/Resources/library/OpenMx/libs/x86_64/':
dlopen(/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/2.15/Resources/library/OpenMx/libs/x86_64/, 6): Symbol not found: __gfortran_pow_r8_i4
Very basic installation question
"open up an R session and copy the following line into the R command line and press return.
A few lines of R output will scroll by and you will be asked which type of OpenMx Installation you would like. "
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"No such file" during install attempt
> source('')
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/zip' length 7964184 bytes (7.6 Mb)
opened URL
downloaded 7.6 Mb
Error in read.dcf(file.path(pkgname, "DESCRIPTION"), c("Package", "Type")) :
cannot open the connection
In addition: Warning messages:
1: In unzip(zipname, exdir = dest) : error 1 in extracting from zip file
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Ubuntu 12.10 and 13.04 - Install Fails due to npsol error
checking for inst/npsol/linux/x86_64/gcc4.7/libnpsol.a... no
configure: error: npsol library not found
ERROR: configuration failed for package ‘OpenMx’
Why is this a problem with new versions?
Error loading OpenMX
It seemed, that everything worked fine, but when I try to load OpenMX I get this errormessage:
Loading required package: OpenMx
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) :
konnte Funktion ".getNamespace" nicht finden
Zusätzlich: Warnmeldung:
package ‘OpenMx’ was built under R version 2.16.0
Error : unable to load R code in package ‘OpenMx’
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Problem on installing openMX on arch
but i get this errormessage on my r-terminal:
> source('')
1. single-threaded
2. multi-threaded [default]
Installing package(s) into ‘/home/martin/.rkward/library’
(as ‘lib’ is unspecified)
versuche URL ''
Content type 'application/x-gzip' length 7267970 bytes (6.9 Mb)
URL geöffnet
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Need to run single-threaded on a Linux cluster
I need to find out how to run openMx singlethreaded on a Linux system running R 2.15.1
It seems to be running multi-threaded by default and spawning a couple of hundred threads which is causing issues on our cluster which runs a condor queueing system.
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