
Posted on
Picture of user. AdminJeff Joined: 07/28/2009

New Features

This will be a rolling list of features added to the website:

  • 2010/10/03
    • Developers will now see submenus under the commit log
  • 2009/10/11
    • Michael fixed Subscriptions.
    • Changed the title to "OpenMx" and hardcoded the h1 and title to included " - Advanced Structural Equation Modeling"
  • 2009/10/05
    • Looks like Drupal 6.14 introduced a bug in forum replies. Fixed for now.
  • 2009/10/03
    • Again, haven't done this for a while.
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Picture of user. trinewa Joined: 11/30/2009

Error messages when posting questions in website forums

Every time I post a something at an OpenMx forum, I get the following error message:
warning: implode(): Invalid arguments passed in /private/var/openmx/drupal-6.16/sites/all/modules/mollom/mollom.module on line 1439.
The post does get saved despite the error message. Thus, this is not a real problem for me, just want you to know.
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Picture of user. AdminJeff Joined: 07/28/2009

Piebald Image Link

We talked about this at the beginning of the summer, but it was never followed up on, so now, instead of always going to the about piebald page when the logo is clicked as Michael had it, that behavior only happens on the front page. Otherwise it takes you home, as users generally expect.
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No user picture. adstaple Joined: 01/06/2010

Features page - broken links?

I was searching for multiple groupe examples [Google in side bar] and was directed to:

The phrase "Multiple Groups" looks like it links to an example, but only returns to the same page. This is true for all of the listed features with the exception of "Integration with R". It would be helpful if the features were linked to examples, the on-line documentation, or a wiki page.

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Picture of user. Steve Joined: 07/30/2009

Including images in forum posts

I am beginning to think about how to work up discussion of the GUI. But to discuss the GUI without images seems unnecessarily difficult.

Of course, we can include images by linking externally. Place the image on some publicly accessible spot (picasa, photobucket, smugmug, etc.) and link to it.

But should there be some easy way to include images in a forum post?

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Picture of user. Steve Joined: 07/30/2009

Formatting code blocks and output blocks in the Forums

I am wondering if we should come to a consensus about how to format code blocks and output blocks as we post them to the forums.

It seems to me that it would be nice to choose a format that would automatically preserve text spacing and tabs so that things don't become left justified when we want them indented. It would also be nice if a fixed pitch font were chosen. I don't think we need to go as far as syntax coloring. But if the block were highlighted in some way, that would be useful.