R Functions and User Interface

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No user picture. HomieWomie Joined: 06/12/2020

Mxcompare Clarification

Hi there,

This should be a quick question considering it is probably common knowledge for all of you. I am looking for some clarification regarding the mxcompare output. Just to be certain, is "diffll" synonymous with chi-squared? From the openmx user guide I cannot see where else a chi-square output would be located. If this is not the case, how can one determine the chi-square value from the usual mxcompare output?

Thank you in advance and please excuse my extreme naivety.

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No user picture. jkarch Joined: 03/15/2011

Profiling mxRun on a Mac


I am currently trying to profile the mxRun function on OS X. I am stuck because the fortran code is not at the correct place in the call tree. I described the problem in detail here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32378821/profile-compiled-r-code-including-c-and-fortan-on-os-x. Does anybody have any experience with stuff like this?

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No user picture. Anonymous (not verified) Joined: 09/16/2024

Using analyticaly derived gradient and hessian in OpenMX

I know NPSOL will accept first derivatives (gradient) and second derivatives (Hessian) of the fitting function with respect to the parameters.

If I have determined these analytically for my model, can i make OpenMX parse them to NPSOL?

The only slot I can find for the gradient and the hessian are in a fitted model object not in an model hat still has to be fitted.

I did find the mxOption slot where i can tell NPSOL the gradient and hessian will be provided and need not be estimated


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Picture of user. neale Joined: 07/31/2009

Backward compatibility issue with extracting or inserting certain results of optimization into mxModel objects

The attached file runs fine under 1.3 but fails unpleasantly under the current svn trunk (2484).

> LCA2 <- LCAfun(data[4:8], 2, 5, 3)
Error in as.character.default() :
no method for coercing this S4 class to a vector
In addition: Warning messages:
1: In mxFIMLObjective(covariance = "R", means = "M", dimnames = nameList[1], :
Objective functions have been deprecated. Please use mxExpectationNormal() and mxFitFunctionML() instead.
2: In mxFIMLObjective(covariance = "R", means = "M", dimnames = tempVar, :

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Picture of user. rabil Joined: 01/14/2010

Growth Model with different set of times for each subject

Suppose I have data on n subjects with at most 3 time points. The first subject has x1, x2, and x3 responses at times 0, 1, and 2. The second has time 0, and 3, and the third only at time 0 and so forth. Would it make sense to create 3 definition variables, say d1, d2, and d3:

d1 d2 d3
0 1 2
0 3 NA

and use data.d1, data.d2, and data.3 for the slope path labels in a growth model that has a latent intercept and a latent slope?

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Picture of user. rabil Joined: 01/14/2010

OpenMx - Poisson Counts for Manifest Variables?

Can OpenMx handle Poisson counts for manifest variables? I didn't notice any examples and a search for Poisson and/or count did not prove helpful. Thanks.
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Picture of user. tbrick Joined: 07/31/2009

Helper Function: Build mxAlgebra object out of a string

Hey, all.

I put this together for someone and thought I'd share it. It's a quick helper function for building an MxAlgebra object that takes a string instead of an expression as the first argument.

stringToMxAlgebra <- function(algString, name=NA, dimnames=NA) {
eval(substitute(mxAlgebra(tExp, name=name, dimnames=dimnames), list(tExp = parse(text=algString)[[1]])))

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Picture of user. wuhao_osu Joined: 09/07/2010

omxMnor returns value for non p.d. cov.


I just found that the omxMnor returns a value for an input involving a non p.d. covariance matrix.



returns a value of .375. The limiting value should be .5


returns a value of 0.4262082, though S is not p.d.

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No user picture. peno66 Joined: 08/14/2011

95% CI for the standardized variance estimates?

Hi! I'm really a new beginner but had a lot of help from the Simplified OpenMx manual. In the end of this manual there is a script that I used to explore my own data. However, this script give 95% CIs for the unsquared path estimates but for standardized variance estimates which would be of great interest. Is there a simple way to modify this script to get 95% CIs also for the variance estimates?? Really grateful for any help!
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Picture of user. neale Joined: 07/31/2009

Disposition of functions that use OpenMx

So I put together this function to estimate polychoric correlations by ML. It may improve on the polychor() by i) accepting a dataframe with more than two variables; ii) avoiding the threshold-estimates-in-the-wrong-order problem (see http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/polychor-error-td806416.html).

Question is, how should I dispose of this function? Obviously it needs a bit more tidying up - error checking on input, testing, documentation etc. but it could be quite handy. Comments welcome.

> polychoricMatrix(data[1:2])
Running model
t1neur1 t1mddd4l