R Functions and User Interface

Mxcompare Clarification
This should be a quick question considering it is probably common knowledge for all of you. I am looking for some clarification regarding the mxcompare output. Just to be certain, is "diffll" synonymous with chi-squared? From the openmx user guide I cannot see where else a chi-square output would be located. If this is not the case, how can one determine the chi-square value from the usual mxcompare output?
Thank you in advance and please excuse my extreme naivety.
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Profiling mxRun on a Mac
I am currently trying to profile the mxRun function on OS X. I am stuck because the fortran code is not at the correct place in the call tree. I described the problem in detail here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32378821/profile-compiled-r-code-including-c-and-fortan-on-os-x. Does anybody have any experience with stuff like this?
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Using analyticaly derived gradient and hessian in OpenMX
If I have determined these analytically for my model, can i make OpenMX parse them to NPSOL?
The only slot I can find for the gradient and the hessian are in a fitted model object not in an model hat still has to be fitted.
I did find the mxOption slot where i can tell NPSOL the gradient and hessian will be provided and need not be estimated

Backward compatibility issue with extracting or inserting certain results of optimization into mxModel objects
> LCA2 <- LCAfun(data[4:8], 2, 5, 3)
Error in as.character.default(
no method for coercing this S4 class to a vector
In addition: Warning messages:
1: In mxFIMLObjective(covariance = "R", means = "M", dimnames = nameList[1], :
Objective functions have been deprecated. Please use mxExpectationNormal() and mxFitFunctionML() instead.
2: In mxFIMLObjective(covariance = "R", means = "M", dimnames = tempVar, :

Growth Model with different set of times for each subject
d1 d2 d3
0 1 2
0 3 NA
and use data.d1, data.d2, and data.3 for the slope path labels in a growth model that has a latent intercept and a latent slope?

OpenMx - Poisson Counts for Manifest Variables?
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Helper Function: Build mxAlgebra object out of a string
I put this together for someone and thought I'd share it. It's a quick helper function for building an MxAlgebra object that takes a string instead of an expression as the first argument.
stringToMxAlgebra <- function(algString, name=NA, dimnames=NA) {
eval(substitute(mxAlgebra(tExp, name=name, dimnames=dimnames), list(tExp = parse(text=algString)[[1]])))

omxMnor returns value for non p.d. cov.
I just found that the omxMnor returns a value for an input involving a non p.d. covariance matrix.
returns a value of .375. The limiting value should be .5
returns a value of 0.4262082, though S is not p.d.
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95% CI for the standardized variance estimates?

Disposition of functions that use OpenMx
Question is, how should I dispose of this function? Obviously it needs a bit more tidying up - error checking on input, testing, documentation etc. but it could be quite handy. Comments welcome.
> polychoricMatrix(data[1:2])
Running model
t1neur1 t1mddd4l
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