OpenMx 2.0 Discussion

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No user picture. yaning Joined: 04/12/2019

Warning message

Hello, I want to run a G*E model (2 binary variables ) using the script from “JuanJMV”( Unfortunately, there seems to be some errors in my model

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No user picture. khusmann Joined: 08/11/2019

bug in manifest var ordering?

First off, thanks to the OpenMx team for all your hard work! Hopefully this is a simple issue.

For starters, here's my mxVersion():

OpenMx version: 2.13.2 [GIT v2.13.2]
R version: R version 3.5.3 (2019-03-11)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
Default optimizer: CSOLNP
NPSOL-enabled?: No
OpenMP-enabled?: Yes

I'm encountering unexpected behavior when I reorder manifest vars AND use a cov matrix in mxData. Here's how to reproduce the behavior:

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Picture of user. dtofighi Joined: 10/12/2009

$R^2$ for endogenous variables


What is the best way to compute $R^2$ for endogenous variables in OpenMx?

I wrote the function below, I get negative $R^2$ for exogenous (not endogenous) variable. Shouldn't it produce zero for exogenous variables?

Thanks in advance,


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No user picture. dmongin Joined: 08/09/2019

mxRun makes R crashed with character ID column

Dear all.

I am using OpenMx to solve differential equation models, thanks to the the example given here

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Picture of user. dtofighi Joined: 10/12/2009

extract data from fitted mxRun


Could you please let me know what is the best way to extract the original data set from fitted mxRun object?


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Picture of user. iloo Joined: 05/26/2010

Definition variable for mean regression not working in WLS

The use of definition variable for regression in means model is not working for me when using WLS. Think it was supposed to work from version 2.12 and onwards, but I haven't gotten it to work. I haven't tried different platforms or software configs, so maybe it has something to do with these.

Attached is an example where it fails (but the ML-fitfunction works fine).

Here's my sessionInfo():
R version 3.4.1 (2017-06-30)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows >= 8 x64 (build 9200)

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No user picture. ZR Joined: 07/26/2017

mxTryHard() indication for when rety limit reached in loop

Hi, I wanted to know if there was a way to know when a model with mxTryHard results in a retry limit reached message other than the output on the screen. I am running a lot of models in a for loop and so checking manually which result in this is not easy, so I wondered if there was a way to tell from looking at the fitted model? I thought that looking at output status code might work but all models including those with retry limit reached gave a code of 0, so I'm not sure how I can tell.


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Picture of user. dtofighi Joined: 10/12/2009

MxCompare with ‘boot=TRUE’


I have been trying to figure out the "parametric bootstrap" when ‘boot=TRUE’. I read the document for mxCompare as well as studying its source code. However, I would appreciate if you could answer the following questions:

1- Does mxCompare generate data from both fitted base and comparison models, fit the base comparison models, calculated LRT, and compute p-values?
2- According to the document for mxComparison,

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Picture of user. bwiernik Joined: 01/30/2014

Change in type="cor" behavior?

In OpenMx v. 2.11.5, the fit statistics output is the same whether type="cov" or type="cor". In a previous version of OpenMx, I recall that the manifest variable variances would be subtracted from the number of degrees of freedom and observed statistics, and the fit statistics were calculated using the reduced degrees of freedom. Now, the number of observed statistics number is reduced, but the degrees of freedom and fit statistics are not similarly adjusted.

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No user picture. blazej Joined: 11/20/2018

MonteCarlo simulation for moderated mediation sample size

Good morning,
I was wondering if anyone could help me out in setting up code for a simulation based sample size estimation?

I'm working with a moderated mediation model (Model 14 as per A.Hayes PROCESS templates), where:

X is a dichotomous experimental condition (0 and 1)
M is a continuous mediator (mean of discrete 1 to 5 items)
V is a continuous moderator (mean of discrete 1 to 5 items)
Y is a continuous outcome (mean of discrete 1 to 5 items)