OpenMx 2.0 Discussion

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Picture of user. bwiernik Joined: 01/30/2014

Zero-inflated poisson counts using mxThreshold

I'm working with a latent variable model and I'd like to predict a negative binomial count response variable. I found the clever cludge that @AdminRobK previously shared to use thresholds fixed to parametric quantiles for negative binomial distribution ([#7856](; [180313.R]( ). I think this approach will work well for me. The issue I've got is that my dependent variable is clearly zero-inflated.
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No user picture. shufai Joined: 10/08/2020

mxCI results in 2.18.1 and 2.19.1 are different

I found that the confidence interval computed by adding mxCI in 2.19.1 are different from those in 2.18.1.

This is the code from the example of mxCI:

# From the example of mxCI()

# generate data
covariance <- matrix(c(1.0, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0),
dimnames=list(c("a", "b"), c("a", "b")))

data <- mxData(covariance, "cov", numObs=100)

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No user picture. Kwabenaaaddo Joined: 02/01/2021

help: "Cov" is not positive definite.

Hello Mike,

Thank you for your awesome software. I have been working on a TSSEM and once I run my attached codes on the data in the excel file attached, I get the message below after the first stage regression is completed:

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Picture of user. Zhenzhen Joined: 12/14/2020

In the ACE Model:warning messages during my data analysis

Dear developer:

When I use ACE model to calculate heritability,I got a warning messages during the analysis(See Attachment). Is there a problem with my data and will it affect the results?
when there was a warning message, I found that the estimated results will change under different start values.

Could you please provide me more details?
Thank you very much.

Best regards,
Zhenzhen Luo

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Picture of user. Zhenzhen Joined: 12/14/2020

In the ACE Model:warning messages during my data analysis

Dear developer:

When I use ACE model to calculate heritability,I got a warning messages during the analysis(See Attachment). Is there a problem with my data and will it affect the results?
when there was a warning message, I found that the estimated results will change under different start values.

Could you please provide me more details?
Thank you very much.

Best regards,
Zhenzhen Luo

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No user picture. khusmann Joined: 08/11/2019

checkpoints in tryHard

Hi all,

I'm running large-ish models with mxTryHard, but notice checkpoints aren't an option as with mxRun. Is there still a way to save / load progress as I go?


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No user picture. iembry Joined: 05/31/2020

povRAM error - can't install OpenMx on GNU/Linux Distribution (R 4.0.0)

Hi, I recently attempted to update to the newest OpenMx release on R 4.0.0 on a GNU/Linux Distribution (Ubuntu-based) and the installation was unsuccessful.

I am only including the part of the installation process with the error message below:

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No user picture. Benny Joined: 05/15/2020

getOpenMx.R with R 4.0.0

I am trying to install OpenMx with the NPSOL-optimizer with R 4.0.0 using the <% source('')%>-command (See [here]( While the CRAN-version works fine, trying to install the NPSOL-version gives me the following error:

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No user picture. Gunnar Joined: 02/21/2019

saving confidence intervals to a separate file

Hello, in asimulation loop I want o to save results for instance confidence intervals for each run in separate file. Hos to do this is rather easy in eg.g. lavaan buit I have trouibles as newbie to find out how to specify the matrix cells for the parameter values i want to save. An example from Jaks book on Meta SEM:

pathmodel= mxModel(title,obs,matrixB,matrixP,matrixI, Ind_pos,Ind_neg,conf,algebraS,exp,fit)
pathmodelOut = mxRun(pathmodel, intervals = TRUE)

# retrieve the output

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No user picture. yaning Joined: 04/12/2019

Warning message

Hello, I want to run a G*E model (2 binary variables ) using the script from “JuanJMV”( Unfortunately, there seems to be some errors in my model