Help: TSSEM Mediation model
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Dear community,
I trust you are doing well. Thank you very much for your immense work in structural equation modelling. I'm contacting you because I'm currently working on a research project that involves implementing a two-step structural equation model.
I got an error when I implemented the command to run the first-stage model (I've attached the document). From here, I do not particularly understand how to proceed. I have attached the codes and the data to aid you. I would be grateful if you could help me identify the error and, if convenient, with the right codes.
Once again, thank you very much, and I look forward to your response.
Kindest Regards,
There are errors in the data, <- read.csv("./data_7.csv")
#Load MetaSEM package
# locate studies with information on at least 1 correlation, and no missing sample size
keepstudy <- rowSums([,2:37]))!=36 &$NUMBER.OF.BANKS)==FALSE
# keep only the studies with information
data <-[keepstudy,]
# check data
## Study_id X1_X2 X1_X3 X1_X4 X1_X5 X1_X6 X1_X7 X1_X8 X1 X2_X3 X2_X4
## 1 2 0.075 0.1625 NA 0.05 0.1375 NA NA 0.0375 0.4125 NA
## 2 2 0.075 0.1625 NA 0.05 0.1375 NA NA 0.0375 0.4125 NA
## 3 2 0.075 0.1625 NA 0.05 0.1375 NA NA 0.0250 0.4125 NA
## 4 2 0.075 0.1625 NA 0.05 0.1375 NA NA 0.0375 0.4125 NA
## 5 2 0.075 0.1625 NA 0.05 0.1375 NA NA -0.1000 0.4125 NA
## 6 2 0.075 0.1625 NA 0.05 0.1375 NA NA -0.0125 0.4125 NA
## X2_X5 X2_X6 X2_X7 X2_X8 X2 X3_X4 X3_X5 X3_X6 X3_X7 X3_X8 X3 X4_X5
## 1 0.05 0.175 NA NA -0.2250 NA 0.0125 0.225 NA NA -0.1125 NA
## 2 0.05 0.175 NA NA -0.2500 NA 0.0125 0.225 NA NA -0.1750 NA
## 3 0.05 0.175 NA NA -0.2000 NA 0.0125 0.225 NA NA -0.1250 NA
## 4 0.05 0.175 NA NA -0.2625 NA 0.0125 0.225 NA NA -0.1625 NA
## 5 0.05 0.175 NA NA -0.2625 NA 0.0125 0.225 NA NA -0.1875 NA
## 6 0.05 0.175 NA NA -0.1875 NA 0.0125 0.225 NA NA -0.0500 NA
## X4_X6 X4_X7 X4_X8 X4 X5_X6 X5_X7 X5_X8 X5 X6_X7 X6_X8 X6 X7_X8 X7 X8
## 1 NA NA NA NA -0.05 NA NA 0.0750 NA NA -0.0750 NA NA NA
## 2 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 0.4250 NA NA -0.0125 NA NA NA
## 3 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 0.2375 NA NA 0.0000 NA NA NA
## 4 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 0.3250 NA NA -0.0375 NA NA NA
## 5 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 0.2500 NA NA -0.1625 NA NA NA
## 6 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 0.0375 NA NA -0.0250 NA NA NA
## 1 2426 212
## 2 2426 212
## 3 2426 212
## 4 2426 212
## 5 2426 212
## 6 2426 212
## [1] 39
## summary(data)
# varnames and labels
nvar <- 9
varnames <- c("X1","X2","X3","X4","X5","X6","X7","X8","X9")
labels <- list(varnames,varnames)
# create list with correlation matrices
cordat <- list()
for (i in 1:nrow(data)){
cordat[[i]] <- vec2symMat(as.matrix(data[i,2:37]),diag = FALSE)
dimnames(cordat[[i]]) <- labels
# put NA on diagonal of correlation matrix if variable is missing
for (i in 1:length(cordat)){
for (j in 1:nrow(cordat[[i]])){
if (sum([[i]][j,]))==nvar-1)
{cordat[[i]][j,j] <- NA}
# show number of studies per correlation coefficient, = FALSE)
## X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9
## X1 219 173 66 69 147 179 42 78 189
## X2 173 198 51 64 125 150 36 60 168
## X3 66 51 69 25 50 61 17 34 62
## X4 69 64 25 86 55 72 18 28 66
## X5 147 125 50 55 196 154 29 60 163
## X6 179 150 61 72 154 236 40 78 204
## X7 42 36 17 18 29 40 48 9 44
## X8 78 60 34 28 60 78 9 93 81
## X9 189 168 62 66 163 204 44 81 249
# show total N per correlation coefficient
pattern.n(cordat, data$NUMBER.OF.BANKS)
## X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9
## X1 20434 13161 11296 6655 15604 18361 2349 10004 16931
## X2 13161 15875 5859 7623 11027 12986 2196 5282 12268
## X3 11296 5859 11543 3248 9824 10696 1013 6478 10129
## X4 6655 7623 3248 29544 12872 27613 1374 22770 26661
## X5 15604 11027 9824 12872 44614 41298 1753 28733 40607
## X6 18361 12986 10696 27613 41298 47652 2338 30099 44030
## X7 2349 2196 1013 1374 1753 2338 2539 667 2160
## X8 10004 5282 6478 22770 28733 30099 667 30881 29667
## X9 16931 12268 10129 26661 40607 44030 2160 29667 45661
cordat <- lapply(cordat, function(x) {diag(x) <- 1; x})
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. NA's
## -550.000 -0.025 0.178 0.217 1.000 1.188 14626
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In reply to There are errors in the data, by Mike Cheung
Dear Mike,
Thank you for the prompt response. Your answer helped helped. I have one more concern: Is it problematic if the TSSEM estimation returns a CFI of 0.265?
Thank you once again.
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It is very strange that the
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In reply to It is very strange that the by Mike Cheung
Hi Mike,
Thank you for your response. Can you please give me any pointers as to where I can look to rectify this?
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It is hard to tell. One
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In reply to It is hard to tell. One by Mike Cheung
Hi Mike,
Thank you. How can I allow my predictors to correlate? Is there a code to incorporate into what I have at the moment, please?
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If you use the lavaan syntax
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In reply to If you use the lavaan syntax by Mike Cheung
Thank you. I will have a look and revert. A quick scan of the codes file, which I have attached, showed that the "~~" was used to specify the covariance between a variable and itself (i.e., variance). Do I need to use the same operator to specify the covariance between different variables?
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Yes, if you have read the
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Hi Mike,
Thanks for the link. I have checked the mediation model section. It appears all the codes I have are in order regarding the "tilde" sign. If convenient, can you cross-check the codes I have already uploaded to see if they are indeed in order? Maybe I am missing something that is not obvious to me.
Thank you.
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The predictors are
model10 <- "X9 ~ c*X1 +f*X2+i*X3+l*X4+s*X6+t*X7+x*X8
X5 ~ a*X1+d*X2+g*X3+j*X4+u*X6+v*X7+w*X8
X9 ~ b*X5
X1 ~~ 1*X1
X2 ~~ 1*X2
X3 ~~ 1*X3
X4 ~~ 1*X4
X6 ~~ 1*X6
X7 ~~ 1*X7
X8 ~~ 1*X8"
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Dear Mike,
Thanks for your response so far. I did what you suggested in the earlier conversation. See the updated code sheet that I have attached. However, I get this error when I try to estimate the model:
Warning message:
In .solve(x = object$$calculatedHessian, parameters = :
Error in solving the Hessian matrix. Generalized inverse is used. The standard errors may not be trustworthy.
> summary(
Error in if (pchisq(chi.squared, df = df, ncp = 0) >= upper) { :
missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
In addition: Warning messages:
1: In pchisq(tT, df = dfT, lower.tail = FALSE) : NaNs produced
2: In sqrt(max((tT - dfT)/(n - 1), 0)/dfT) : NaNs produced
3: In pchisq(chi.squared, df = df, ncp = 0) : NaNs produced
What could actually be an issue now? Thank you in advance.
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Since the previous dataset
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Hi Mike,
I have attached the corrected dataset and the complete R code. Thank you very much.
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Hi Mike,
I have attached the corrected dataset and the complete R code. Thank you very much.
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Please see my first reply and
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. NA's
-1.216 -0.055 0.109 0.235 0.475 1.050 15827
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Dear Mike,
Apologies, I uploaded the wrong file. Kindly find the corrected file attached.
Many thanks.
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I noticed a few peculiarities
summary(c(sapply(cordat, vechs)))
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. NA's
-0.887 -0.106 0.044 0.054 0.204 0.990 7332
hist(c(sapply(cordat, vechs)))
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Dear Prof Cheung,
Thank you for your answer. I have removed all the duplicated intercorrelations and correlations greater than 0.8, hoping the model will fit. However, a new problem arises (see below). Do you think the problem results from the model specification, specifically with the outlined covariance and variances? As you might remember when the covariance and variances are not specified, the model can fit but with a low CFI.
name="Dir_AGE"),Dir_LIQ=mxAlgebra(x, name="Dir_LIQ")))
Warning messages:
1: In .solve(x = object$$calculatedHessian, parameters = :
Error in solving the Hessian matrix. Generalized inverse is used. The standard errors may not be trustworthy.
2: In checkRAM(Amatrix = Amatrix, Smatrix = Smatrix, cor.analysis = cor.analysis) :
The variances of the dependent variables in 'Smatrix' should be free.
> summary(
Error in if (pchisq(chi.squared, df = df, ncp = 0) >= upper) { :
missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
In addition: Warning messages:
1: In pchisq(tT, df = dfT, lower.tail = FALSE) : NaNs produced
2: In sqrt(max((tT - dfT)/(n - 1), 0)/dfT) : NaNs produced
3: In pchisq(chi.squared, df = df, ncp = 0) : NaNs produced
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Please provide the data and R
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Dear Prof. Cheung,
I have attached the files. In the quest to push the CFI up (the initial problem that furthered this thread), I have specified the covariances and variances as part of the model (for e.g, X1 ~~ X2, X1 ~~ XX1). Unexpectedly, this leads to the error. I can not locate where this error comes from. So, I would appreciate your guidance from here.
One more question: do I need to include the covariance between the mediator variable (X9) and the other variables, as well as its variance (X9 ~~ X9) in the model specification?
Thank you
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The following changes may
1) Rerun the model with the `autofixtau2=TRUE` argument.
stX71_rerun <- metaSEM::rerun(stX71random, autofixtau2 = TRUE)
2) Remove the covariance between the residues of X5 and other variables and free the residues of X5.
model10 <- "X9 ~ c*X1 +f*X2+i*X3+l*X4+s*X6+t*X7+x*X8
X5 ~ a*X1+d*X2+g*X3+j*X4+u*X6+v*X7+w*X8
X9 ~ b*X5
X1 ~~ X2
X1 ~~ X3
X1 ~~ X4
#X1 ~~ X5
X1 ~~ X6
X1 ~~ X7
X1 ~~ X8
X2 ~~ X3
X2 ~~ X4
#X2 ~~ X5
X2 ~~ X6
X2 ~~ X7
X2 ~~ X8
X3 ~~ X4
#X3 ~~ X5
X3 ~~ X6
X3 ~~ X7
X3 ~~ X8
#X4 ~~ X5
X4 ~~ X6
X4 ~~ X7
X4 ~~ X8
#X5 ~~ X6
#X5 ~~ X7
#X5 ~~ X8
X6 ~~ X7
X6 ~~ X8
X7 ~~ X8
X1 ~~ 1*X1
X2 ~~ 1*X2
X3 ~~ 1*X3
X4 ~~ 1*X4
# X5 ~~ 1*X5
X6 ~~ 1*X6
X7 ~~ 1*X7
X8 ~~ 1*X8"
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Dear Mike,
Thank you. This was helpful. My CFI improved to 1. The TLI is -inf. Is that normal?
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