Constraint Not Honored
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Joined: 01/14/2010
I have a simple two-factor measurement error model. There is a constraint on the variance of one of the latent factors that it be positive. It easily finds a solution using mxTryHard but the variance estimate is always negative. What is the point of using a constraint if it is not honored? The negative estimate then causes problems when I try to bootstrap confidence intervals. It complains about quantile missing values and NaNs and won't produce a result unless I remove the variance from the confidence interval list.
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In reply to script? by AdminRobK
I'm using SLSQP. I have no
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In reply to I'm using SLSQP. I have no by rabil
Are you using an MxConstraint
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Constraint or bound?
Similarly, many constraints are nonlinear equality constraints. In this case, it is often much easier for optimization if you reformulate these nonlinear equality constraints with `mxAlgebra()`s and set the elements in a matrix or on a path to the result of these algebras.
mod <- mxModel(
mxAlgebra(sin(a)*exp(b) + c, name='peter'),
mxPath(from='Paul', to='Pay', labels='peter[1,1]') # set the path from Paul to Pay to the [1,1] element of peter
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Thanks! I had completely
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Yes, to be clear I was using
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I just tried adding a lower
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If I remove the constraint
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Two general suggestions
First, try reducing the mxOption "Feasibility tolerance" to something smaller than its on-load value. For details, see the help page for `mxOption()`.
Second, try switching to CSOLNP. CSOLNP is an "interior-point" algorithm; that is, if it is initialized at a point inside the feasible space, then it will never reach the boundary of the feasible space.
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Empirical unidentification?
1. It is odd that the solution is not honoring the `mxConstraint()`s.
2. There's no mathematical reason why this model should not work.
3. Could the problem be the data? If some of the variables are too strongly correlated, it could produce this problem. You could inspect the variance inflation factors by looking at the inverse of the correlation matrix of your data. You can get the VIFs from the diagonal elements of the inverse of the correlation matrix of your data.
4. See below for an example of what we think your models is. Is this right?
lvar <- c('u1', 'u2')
mvar <- paste0('x', 1:6)
mod <- mxModel('rabil',
mxPath('u1', 'x1', values=1, free=FALSE),
mxPath('one', 'u1', values=-1, labels='meaU1'),
mxPath('u1', arrows=2, values=.4, labels='varU1'),
mxPath('u2', arrows=2, values=1.5, labels='varU2'),
mxPath('u2', mvar[-1], values=1, free=FALSE),
mxPath(mvar[-1], arrows=2, values=.2, labels='varE'),
mxPath('one', 'u2', values=5, labels='meaU2'),
mxPath('u1', 'u2', values=.8, labels='reg')
ds <- mxGenerateData(mod, nrows=2000)
modd <- mxModel(mod, mxData(ds, 'raw'))
moddr <- mxRun(modd)
Summary of rabil
free parameters:
name matrix row col Estimate Std.Error A
1 reg A u2 u1 0.7573228 0.044966956
2 varE S x2 x2 0.1972722 0.003119146
3 varU1 S u1 u1 0.3746096 0.011846192
4 varU2 S u2 u2 1.4755404 0.047912693
5 meaU1 M 1 u1 -0.9973239 0.013685980
6 meaU2 M 1 u2 4.9878243 0.052618578
Model Statistics:
| Parameters | Degrees of Freedom | Fit (-2lnL units)
Model: 6 11994 23155.12
Saturated: 27 11973 NA
Independence: 12 11988 NA
Number of observations/statistics: 2000/12000
Information Criteria:
| df Penalty | Parameters Penalty | Sample-Size Adjusted
AIC: -832.8845 23167.12 23167.16
BIC: -68010.1086 23200.72 23181.66
To get additional fit indices, see help(mxRefModels)
timestamp: 2022-12-09 12:35:55
Wall clock time: 0.149719 secs
optimizer: SLSQP
OpenMx version number:
Need help? See help(mxSummary)
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