Structured latent growth curve with definition variables
Error in value[rows[[i]], cols[[i]]] <- startValue :
incorrect number of subscripts on matrix
The model I am trying to fit is provided below (with the data file attached in the post). Note that I am not estimating covariances and only estimating fixed- and random-effect parameters along with a residual parameter (nine parameters in total).
data_wide <- read_csv(file = 'data.csv')
#variable names
manifest_vars <- names(data_wide)[str_detect(string = names(data_wide), pattern = 'obs_score')]
time_vars <- names(data_wide)[str_detect(string = names(data_wide), pattern = 'actual')]
latent_vars <- c('theta', 'alpha', 'beta', 'gamma')
measurement_days <- as.numeric(str_extract(string = names(data_wide[ 2:ncol(data_wide)]), pattern = '[^_]*$'))[1:length(time_vars)]
model <- mxModel(model = 'Definition model',
type = 'RAM', independent = T,
mxData(observed = data_wide, type = 'raw'),
manifestVars = manifest_vars,
latentVars = latent_vars,
#Residual variances; by using one label, they are assumed to all be equal (homogeneity of variance)
mxPath(from = manifest_vars,
arrows=2, free=TRUE, labels='epsilon', values = 0.04, lbound = 0),
#Latent variable covariances and variances
mxPath(from = latent_vars,
connect='unique.pairs', arrows=2,
#aa(diff_rand), ab(cov_diff_beta), ac(cov_diff_gamma), bb(beta_rand), bc(var_beta_gamma), cc(gamma_rand)
values=c(0.04, NA, NA, NA,
0.07, NA, NA,
15, NA,
labels=c('theta_rand', 'NA(cov_theta_alpha)', 'NA(cov_theta_beta)', 'NA(cov_theta_gamma)',
'alpha_rand','NA(cov_alpha_beta)', 'NA(cov_alpha_gamma)',
'beta_rand', 'NA(cov_beta_gamma)',
lbound = c(1e-3, NA, NA, NA,
1e-3, NA, NA,
1, NA,
ubound = c(2, NA, NA, NA,
2, NA, NA,
90^2, NA, 45^2)),
#Latent variable means (linear parameters). Note that the nonlinear parameters of beta and gamma do not have estimated means
mxPath(from = 'one', to = c('theta', 'alpha'), free = c(TRUE, TRUE), arrows = 1,
labels = c('theta_fixed', 'alpha_fixed'), lbound = 0, ubound = 7,
values = c(2.9, 3.3)),
#Functional constraints
mxMatrix(type = 'Full', nrow = length(manifest_vars), ncol = 1, free = TRUE,
labels = 'theta_fixed', name = 't', lbound = 0, ubound = 7, values = 2.9),
mxMatrix(type = 'Full', nrow = length(manifest_vars), ncol = 1, free = TRUE,
labels = 'alpha_fixed', name = 'a', lbound = 0, ubound = 7, values = 3.3),
mxMatrix(type = 'Full', nrow = length(manifest_vars), ncol = 1, free = TRUE,
labels = 'beta_fixed', name = 'b', lbound = 1, ubound = 360, values = 171),
mxMatrix(type = 'Full', nrow = length(manifest_vars), ncol = 1, free = TRUE,
labels = 'gamma_fixed', name = 'g', lbound = 1, ubound = 360, values = 15),
##Specifies time matrix that assumes time-structured data (model runs with this time matrix)
#mxMatrix(type = 'Full', nrow = length(time_vars), ncol = 1, free = FALSE,
# values = measurement_days[1:7],
# name = 'time'),
#Specifies time matrix with definition variables that can account for varying measurements points (i.e., time-unstructured data)
##Error occurs with this time matrix
mxMatrix(type = 'Full', nrow = length(manifest_vars), ncol = 1, free = FALSE,
labels = c("data.actual_measurement_day_0", "data.actual_measurement_day_60", "data.actual_measurement_day_120",
"data.actual_measurement_day_180", "data.actual_measurement_day_240", "data.actual_measurement_day_300",
"data.actual_measurement_day_360"), name = 'time'),
#Algebra specifying first partial derivatives;
mxAlgebra(expression = 1 - 1/(1 + exp((b - time)/g)), name="Tl"),
mxAlgebra(expression = 1/(1 + exp((b - time)/g)), name = 'Al'),
mxAlgebra(expression = -((a - t) * (exp((b - time)/g) * (1/g))/(1 + exp((b - time)/g))^2), name = 'Bl'),
mxAlgebra(expression = (a - t) * (exp((b - time)/g) * ((b - time)/g^2))/(1 + exp((b -time)/g))^2, name = 'Gl'),
#Factor loadings; all fixed and, importantly, constrained to change according to their partial derivatives (i.e., nonlinear functions)
mxPath(from = 'theta', to = manifest_vars, arrows=1, free=FALSE,
labels = c("Tl[1,1]", "Tl[2,1]", "Tl[3,1]", "Tl[4,1]", "Tl[5,1]", "Tl[6,1]", "Tl[7,1]")),
mxPath(from = 'alpha', to = manifest_vars, arrows=1, free=FALSE,
labels = c("Al[1,1]", "Al[2,1]", "Al[3,1]", "Al[4,1]", "Al[5,1]", "Al[6,1]", "Al[7,1]")),
mxPath(from='beta', to = manifest_vars, arrows=1, free=FALSE,
labels = c("Bl[1,1]", "Bl[2,1]", "Bl[3,1]", "Bl[4,1]", "Bl[5,1]", "Bl[6,1]", "Bl[7,1]")),
mxPath(from='gamma', to = manifest_vars, arrows=1, free=FALSE,
labels = c("Gl[1,1]", "Gl[2,1]", "Gl[3,1]", "Gl[4,1]", "Gl[5,1]", "Gl[6,1]", "Gl[7,1]")),
mxFitFunctionML(vector = FALSE)
model_results <- mxRun(model) #only get error when fitting time matrix specified with definition variables
I was unable to replicate
> model_results <- mxRun(model) #only get error when fitting time matrix specified with definition variables
Running Definition model with 9 parameters
> summary(model_results)
Summary of Definition model
free parameters:
name matrix row col Estimate Std.Error A lbound ubound
1 epsilon S obs_score_0 obs_score_0 2.506122e-03 1.185207e-04 ! 0!
2 theta_rand S theta theta 2.603298e-03 3.306708e-04 ! 0.001! 2
3 alpha_rand S alpha alpha 2.812481e-03 3.443755e-04 ! 0.001! 2
4 beta_rand S beta beta 1.160674e+02 3.253442e+01 1 8100
5 gamma_rand S gamma gamma 1.000000e+00 1.309539e+01 ! 1! 2025
6 theta_fixed M 1 theta 3.000642e+00 4.141833e-03 0 7
7 alpha_fixed M 1 alpha 3.318915e+00 4.123807e-03 0 7
8 beta_fixed b 1 1 1.797509e+02 1.229329e+00 1 360
9 gamma_fixed g 1 1 1.996665e+01 1.117314e+00 1 360
Model Statistics:
| Parameters | Degrees of Freedom | Fit (-2lnL units)
Model: 9 1566 -4193.892
Saturated: 35 1540 NA
Independence: 14 1561 NA
Number of observations/statistics: 225/1575
Information Criteria:
| df Penalty | Parameters Penalty | Sample-Size Adjusted
AIC: -7325.892 -4175.892 -4175.054
BIC: -12675.505 -4145.147 -4173.670
To get additional fit indices, see help(mxRefModels)
timestamp: 2022-11-14 14:54:28
Wall clock time: 4.132559 secs
optimizer: SLSQP
OpenMx version number: 2.20.6
Need help? See help(mxSummary)
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There was a bug in OpenMx around using `tibbles` with definition variables.
This forum post had the same issue: [](
The temporary fix on your end is to hand OpenMx a `data.frame` instead of a `tibble`. For example, use
mxData(observed =, type = 'raw'),
The ultimate fix is already solved in the OpenMx development version on GitHub with this issue: []( The solution will be part of the next release of OpenMx.
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In reply to Fixed by mhunter
Is convergence more difficult with definition variables?
Just asking this question because I have repeatedly generated data sets and noticed that convergence codes of 0 (i.e.,code = 0 can only be obtained by using mxTryHard() and convergence time has also increased considerably (from almost instant when not using definition variables to roughly 8 seconds).
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In general, no. Models with definition variables *do not* fit a separate model for each person. Rather, these models allow the expected means and covariances to differ in some systematic way for every person. In the case of a growth model with definition variables on the loadings that allows different times of measurement across people, every person has the same model with the same parameters; however, the expected means and covariances differ for each person depending on their particular times of measurement. If the model is "true" and the times of measurement differ across people, then not accounting for this difference amounts to model misspecification. In this case of misspecification, the model should fit more poorly, converge less frequently, and have biased estimates (particularly of the residual error variance).
As far as the problems you're encountering, I have two thoughts. First, models with definition variables are generally slower to estimate. Allowing the means and covariances to differ across people is more computationally expensive, so it takes a bit longer. What you reported is not unusual. Second, for the model convergence, there are a lot of possible factors, but if it's solved by `mxTryHard()` then that's a sufficient solution without going into detail on all the possibilities.
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In reply to Convergence by mhunter
Additional resources?
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User's Guide
[Definition Means Path Spec](
[Definition Means Matrix Spec](
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