Error in runHelper... xn out of range
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I'm running a relatively complex model with binary outcomes (but well under the max 20 ordinal vars). I'm fixing mean=0, var=1 and letting thresholds vary. Things periodically fail with:
error in runHelper(model, frontendStart, intervals, silent, suppressWarnings, : xn out of range
Starting values can seem to cause this (even when mxTryHardOrdinal is jiggling around values close to the optimum some tries will fail out with this), also increasing complexity (doing a multiple groups analysis), also sometimes decreasing mvnRelEps will cause this.
Any ideas of what might be going on or how to debug this further?
Thanks for the help!
bad thresholds
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In reply to bad thresholds by jpritikin
better diag
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In reply to better diag by jpritikin
build error
** libs
make: *** No rule to make target 'omxSymbolTable.h', needed by 'Compute.o'. Stop.
I checked out the repo manually and did a "make cran-install" and it seems to be compiling now -- is there a way to do a cran-install from install_github?
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In reply to build error by khusmann
diagnostic output
[0] xn = matrix(c( # 2x1
, nan), byrow=TRUE, nrow=2, ncol=1)
[1] xn = matrix(c( # 2x1
, inf), byrow=TRUE, nrow=2, ncol=1)
[1] lower = matrix(c( # 5x1
, -inf
, -inf
, -inf
, nan), byrow=TRUE, nrow=5, ncol=1)
[0] lower = matrix(c( # 5x1
, -inf
, -inf
, -inf
, -inf), byrow=TRUE, nrow=5, ncol=1)
[1] upper = matrix(c( # 5x1
, nan
, nan
, nan
, inf), byrow=TRUE, nrow=5, ncol=1)
[0] upper = matrix(c( # 5x1
, nan
, nan
, nan
, nan), byrow=TRUE, nrow=5, ncol=1)
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In reply to diagnostic output by khusmann
As a work around, you can try
mxFitFunctionML(jointConditionOn = "continuous")
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In reply to diagnostic output by khusmann
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In reply to diagnostic output by khusmann
try again
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In reply to try again by jpritikin
it's working!
all my ordinal vars are set fixed variance = 1, mean = 0, thresh are free.
> Can you try again with e6b94c0e02f3 ?
Awesome, this seems to be working... it's been running over 10mins now and usually dies after 2min. I'll let you know if it makes it to the end...
Thanks for your help!!
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In reply to it's working! by khusmann
Can confirm
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In reply to Can confirm by khusmann
uh oh
*** caught segfault ***
address (nil), cause 'memory not mapped'
1: runHelper(model, frontendStart, intervals, silent, suppressWarnings, unsafe, checkpoint, useSocket, onlyFrontend, useOptimizer, beginMessage)
2: mxRun(model = model, suppressWarnings = T, unsafe = T, silent = T, intervals = intervals, beginMessage = T)
3: runWithCounter(model, numdone, silent, intervals = F)
4: doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler)
5: tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1L]])
6: tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers)
7: tryCatch(expr, error = function(e) { call <- conditionCall(e) if (!is.null(call)) { if (identical(call[[1L]], quote(doTryCatch))) call <- sys. call(-4L) dcall <- deparse(call)[1L] prefix <- paste("Error in", dcall, ": ") LONG <- 75L sm <- strsplit(conditionMessage(e), "\n")[[1L]] w <- 14L + nchar(dcall, type = "w") + nchar(sm[1L], type = "w") if ( w <- 14L + nchar(dcall, type = "b") + nchar(sm[1L], type = "b") if (w > LONG) prefix <- paste0(prefix, "\n ") } else prefix <- "Error : " msg <- paste0(prefix, conditionMessage(e), "\n") .Internal(seterrmessage(msg[1L])) if (!silent && isTRUE(getOption("show.error.messages"))) { cat(msg, file = outFile) . Internal(printDeferredWarnings()) } invisible(structure(msg, class = "try-error", condition = e))})
8: try(runWithCounter(model, numdone, silent, intervals = F))
9: withCallingHandlers(expr, warning = function(w) invokeRestart("muffleWarning"))
10: suppressWarnings(try(runWithCounter(model, numdone, silent, intervals = F)))
11: mxTryHard(model = model, greenOK = greenOK, checkHess = checkHess, finetuneGradient = finetuneGradient, exhaustive = exhaustive, OKstatuscodes = OKstatuscodes, wtgcsv = wtgcsv, ...)
12: mxTryHardOrdinal(model, intervals = T, showInits = T)
An irrecoverable exception occurred. R is aborting now ...
Let me know if there's any other debug info I can send on this!
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In reply to uh oh by khusmann
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In reply to yikes! by jpritikin
parallel problems
I'm wondering now if it might have to do with the way the cluster will suspend low priority jobs and then resume when resources become available again; I'm wondering if OpenMx might not respond well to this when working with multiple threads. Once the server gets back up I'll see if I can run it in a way that I can be sure it won't get suspended and let you know. (I'll try the "continuous" option as well)
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In reply to parallel problems by khusmann
No, if it obtains a SEGV then it's an OpenMx bug. If you can provide a gdb stack trace then it might help track the problem down.
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In reply to threads by jpritikin
gdb stack trace
[New Thread 0x2aaabb963700 (LWP 16596)]
[New Thread 0x2aaabb15f700 (LWP 16597)]
[New Thread 0x2aaabaf5e700 (LWP 16598)]
[New Thread 0x2aaabbd65700 (LWP 16599)]
[New Thread 0x2aaabb762700 (LWP 16600)]
[New Thread 0x2aaabb561700 (LWP 16601)]
[New Thread 0x2aaabb360700 (LWP 16602)]
[New Thread 0x2aaabbb64700 (LWP 16603)]
[Thread 0x2aaabbb64700 (LWP 16603) exited]
[Thread 0x2aaabb360700 (LWP 16602) exited]
[Thread 0x2aaabaf5e700 (LWP 16598) exited]
[Thread 0x2aaabb561700 (LWP 16601) exited]
[Thread 0x2aaabb762700 (LWP 16600) exited]
[Thread 0x2aaabbd65700 (LWP 16599) exited]
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to Thread 0x2aaabb963700 (LWP 16596)]
0x00002aaab81a9474 in phi_ () from /storage/work/k/kdh38/eclsk-dcs/.snakemake/conda/2d6218a5/lib/R/library/OpenMx/libs/
Missing separate debuginfos, use: debuginfo-install glibc-2.12-1.212.el6_10.3.x86_64 sssd-client-1.13.3-60.el6_10.2.x86_64
(gdb) bt
#0 0x00002aaab81a9474 in phi_ () from /storage/work/k/kdh38/eclsk-dcs/.snakemake/conda/2d6218a5/lib/R/library/OpenMx/libs/
#1 0x00002aaab81a9658 in limits_ () from /storage/work/k/kdh38/eclsk-dcs/.snakemake/conda/2d6218a5/lib/R/library/OpenMx/libs/
#2 0x00002aaab81acc89 in master.0.mvnfnc_ () from /storage/work/k/kdh38/eclsk-dcs/.snakemake/conda/2d6218a5/lib/R/library/OpenMx/libs/
#3 0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()
I'll try "continuous" next to see if it crashes too.
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In reply to gdb stack trace by khusmann
==104811== Invalid write of size 8
==104811== at 0x1EC12AD5: ??? (in /storage/work/k/kdh38/eclsk-dcs/.snakemake/conda/2d6218a5/lib/R/library/OpenMx/libs/
==104811== by 0x270000022E: ???
==104811== Address 0x7fec08b80 is on thread 1's stack
==104811== Invalid write of size 8
==104811== at 0x1EC12ADA: ??? (in /storage/work/k/kdh38/eclsk-dcs/.snakemake/conda/2d6218a5/lib/R/library/OpenMx/libs/
==104811== by 0x270000022E: ???
==104811== Address 0x7fec08b68 is on thread 1's stack
==104811== Invalid write of size 8
==104811== at 0x1EC12AE8: ??? (in /storage/work/k/kdh38/eclsk-dcs/.snakemake/conda/2d6218a5/lib/R/library/OpenMx/libs/
==104811== by 0x270000022E: ???
==104811== Address 0x7fec08b60 is on thread 1's stack
==104811== Invalid read of size 4
==104811== at 0x1EC114A1: ??? (in /storage/work/k/kdh38/eclsk-dcs/.snakemake/conda/2d6218a5/lib/R/library/OpenMx/libs/
==104811== by 0x270000022E: ???
==104811== Address 0x7febf91fc is on thread 1's stack
==104811== Invalid read of size 8
==104811== at 0x1EC11500: ??? (in /storage/work/k/kdh38/eclsk-dcs/.snakemake/conda/2d6218a5/lib/R/library/OpenMx/libs/
==104811== by 0x270000022E: ???
==104811== Address 0x7fec08b80 is on thread 1's stack
==104811== Invalid read of size 8
==104811== at 0x1EC11505: ??? (in /storage/work/k/kdh38/eclsk-dcs/.snakemake/conda/2d6218a5/lib/R/library/OpenMx/libs/
==104811== by 0x270000022E: ???
==104811== Address 0x7fec08b50 is on thread 1's stack
==104811== Invalid write of size 8
==104811== at 0x1EC1150D: ??? (in /storage/work/k/kdh38/eclsk-dcs/.snakemake/conda/2d6218a5/lib/R/library/OpenMx/libs/
==104811== by 0x270000022E: ???
==104811== Address 0x7fec08bc8 is on thread 1's stack
==104811== Invalid write of size 8
==104811== at 0x1EC11516: ??? (in /storage/work/k/kdh38/eclsk-dcs/.snakemake/conda/2d6218a5/lib/R/library/OpenMx/libs/
==104811== by 0x270000022E: ???
==104811== Address 0x7fec08bb0 is on thread 1's stack
==104811== Invalid write of size 4
==104811== at 0x1EC16040: ??? (in /storage/work/k/kdh38/eclsk-dcs/.snakemake/conda/2d6218a5/lib/R/library/OpenMx/libs/
==104811== by 0x3FE3E3C19C7D4003: ???
==104811== by 0x3F00D0619426B3E0: ???
==104811== by 0x3EB2FBF51BD20191: ???
==104811== by 0x3E930B23957D69FE: ???
==104811== by 0x3ED66A84782075BE: ???
==104811== by 0x3ED095BFE1A40C42: ???
==104811== by 0x3E9ACE8B5731D3C1: ???
==104811== by 0x3EDC1B33D305BFEE: ???
==104811== by 0x3EB8689EEF212500: ???
==104811== by 0x3ED8F95C5F95FCB9: ???
==104811== by 0x3ED08EBC6EC100EE: ???
==104811== Address 0x7febf91f8 is on thread 1's stack
==104811== Invalid write of size 8
==104811== at 0x1EC13AB8: ??? (in /storage/work/k/kdh38/eclsk-dcs/.snakemake/conda/2d6218a5/lib/R/library/OpenMx/libs/
==104811== by 0xBFA9B4BB3ADE24DC: ???
==104811== by 0x1: ???
==104811== by 0x7FEBF8DBF: ???
==104811== by 0x7: ???
==104811== by 0x1EE880C3: ???
==104811== by 0x1EC16427: ??? (in /storage/work/k/kdh38/eclsk-dcs/.snakemake/conda/2d6218a5/lib/R/library/OpenMx/libs/
==104811== by 0x7FEBF920F: ???
==104811== by 0x7FEBF9217: ???
==104811== Address 0x7febf9218 is on thread 1's stack
==104811== Invalid read of size 4
==104811== at 0x1EC168CE: ??? (in /storage/work/k/kdh38/eclsk-dcs/.snakemake/conda/2d6218a5/lib/R/library/OpenMx/libs/
==104811== by 0xBFE3D3E0E12CDA09: ???
==104811== by 0x7FEC089FF: ???
==104811== by 0x7FEBFD047: ???
==104811== by 0x7FEC00E3F: ???
==104811== by 0x4: ???
==104811== by 0x7FEC08A2F: ???
==104811== by 0xB: ???
==104811== by 0x7FEC08B7F: ???
==104811== by 0x7FEBF921F: ???
==104811== by 0x7FEBF8F8F: ???
==104811== by 0x2: ???
==104811== Address 0x7febf91f8 is on thread 1's stack
It gets over 1000 errors before even reaching "Begin Initial Fit Attempt". Maybe an off by 1 error somewhere?
I don't get errors on simple models... Maybe it's something to do with ordinal or multigroup code? I'll have to work sometime later to narrow it down to a minimal repeatable example.
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In reply to valgrind by khusmann
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In reply to errors by jpritikin
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In reply to valgrind by khusmann
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In reply to yikes! by jpritikin
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In reply to fitfunctions by khusmann
Add a fitfunction to an existing model to overwrite the old one
To swap the fit function for a model, just add it to the model, and it will replace the existing one. So
m2 = mxModel(m1, mxFitFunctionWLS())
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In reply to Add a fitfunction to an existing model to overwrite the old one by tbates
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In reply to build error by khusmann
Sorry, no.
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In reply to bad thresholds by jpritikin
bad thresholds
(# true / # false)
Indicator 1: 2051 / 11147
Indicator 2: 2182 / 9264
Indicator 3: 2917 / 7715
Indicator 4: 2432 / 7411
Indicator 5: 2136 / 7063
any way to handle these?
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In reply to bad thresholds by khusmann
not too extreme
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