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Biometrical model fitting

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MIRELA's picture
Joined: 04/03/2020 - 13:07
Biometrical model fitting

My question concerns choosing the best fitting model. Given the twin correlations in a given phenotype (rMZ = 0.50, rDZ = 0.34), it seems that the model to be tested should be the ACEmodel (because rMZ < 2rDZ).

Runing the ACE model has given the following output.

> mxCompare( fitACE, fitAE )
     base comparison         ep      minus2LL    df          AIC               diffLL  diffdf         p
1 oneACEc       <NA>        4      4824.870     532       3760.870       NA     NA        NA
2 oneACEc     oneAEc        3      4827.013     533       3761.013 2.143052      1 0.1432167
               lbound estimate ubound
oneAEc.h2[1,1] 0.3833   0.4961 0.5925
oneAEc.c2[1,1] 0.0000   0.0000 0.0000
oneAEc.e2[1,1] 0.4075   0.5039 0.6167
> mxCompare( fitACE, fitCE )
     base comparison ep minus2LL  df      AIC   diffLL diffdf         p
1 oneACEc       <NA>  4 4824.870 532 3760.870       NA     NA        NA
2 oneACEc     oneCEc  3 4826.179 533 3760.179 1.308865      1 0.2526002
               lbound estimate ubound
oneCEc.h2[1,1]     NA   0.0000     NA
oneCEc.c2[1,1] 0.3308   0.4331 0.5253
oneCEc.e2[1,1] 0.4747   0.5669 0.6692
> mxCompare( fitAE, fitE )                                                          
    base comparison ep minus2LL  df      AIC   diffLL diffdf            p
1 oneAEc       <NA>  3 4827.013 533 3761.013       NA     NA           NA
2 oneAEc      oneEc  2 4881.842 534 3813.842 54.82935      1 1.314631e-13
              lbound estimate ubound
oneEc.h2[1,1]      0        0      0
oneEc.c2[1,1]      0        0      0
oneEc.e2[1,1]      1        1      1

Based on minimizing the AIC and parsimony, I would choose the CE as the best fitting model.

However, I have also run the ADE model and the results confused me.

> mxCompare( fitADE, fitAE )
     base comparison ep minus2LL  df      AIC        diffLL diffdf  p
1 oneADEc       <NA>  4 4827.013 532 3763.013            NA     NA NA
2 oneADEc     oneAEc  3 4827.013 533 3761.013 -2.692104e-10      1  1
               lbound estimate ubound
oneAEc.h2[1,1] 0.3833   0.4961 0.5925
oneAEc.d2[1,1]     NA   0.0000     NA
oneAEc.e2[1,1] 0.4075   0.5039 0.6167
> mxCompare( fitADE, fitDE )
     base comparison ep minus2LL  df      AIC   diffLL diffdf            p
1 oneADEc       <NA>  4 4827.013 532 3763.013       NA     NA           NA
2 oneADEc     oneDEc  3 4881.842 533 3815.842 54.82935      1 1.314631e-13
               lbound estimate ubound
oneDEc.h2[1,1]     NA        0     NA
oneDEc.d2[1,1]     NA        0     NA
oneDEc.e2[1,1]     NA        1     NA
> mxCompare( fitAE, fitE )
    base comparison ep minus2LL  df      AIC   diffLL diffdf            p
1 oneAEc       <NA>     3 4827.013 533 3761.013       NA     NA           NA
2 oneAEc      oneEc      2 4881.842 534 3813.842 54.82935      1 1.314631e-13
              lbound estimate ubound
oneEc.h2[1,1]     NA        0     NA
oneEc.d2[1,1]     NA        0     NA
oneEc.e2[1,1]     NA        1     NA

Here it would seem that the AE model provides the best fit, and that removing A significantly worsens the model fit, therefore, A should not be dropped.
By choosing the CE model from the ACEmodel, I would be dropping exactly A.
Should I take into account the results from the ADEmodel, or just go ahead with applying the rule rMZ < 2rDZ and test ACEmodel?
I worry about not reporting misleading results.

Thank you,

AdminRobK's picture
Joined: 01/24/2014 - 12:15
The CE model has the lowest

The CE model has the lowest AIC, right? Assuming you're only going to report the results from one model, then select the CE model. Also, it's not biologically plausible for there to be D but no A, so your DE model should be excluded from consideration.