GxE model for binary variable
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Joined: 04/17/2019
Hello! I am trying to fit a GxE model. The phenotype is a binary variable, and the moderator is measured on a 6-point scale .
I want to use the code posted in [there](http://ibg.colorado.edu/cdrom2016/franic/Moderation/Practical/DO_NOT_OPEN_Moderating_covariances_practical_solved.R), but this code is suit for continuous variable and I don't know how to change it to be suit for binary variable. Could you tell me what lines I should change or add?
Because I'm pressed for time, I am sorry to directly ask for solution instead of learning by myself.
Many many thanks!
very tricky...
1. Its covariance with the phenotype is equally due to _A_, _C_, and _E_.
2. All of the variance in the moderator is _entirely_ due to either _A_, _C_, or _E_.
Another question: would you feel more comfortable treating the ordinal moderator as (1) an approximately interval-scale variable, or (2) a categorical variable with unordered categories?
I will say that I know of no OpenMx example script for a binary phenotype and a multicategory ordinal moderator. Indeed, I do not believe I have ever read a paper fitting such a model. In fact, OpenMx may simply not be capable of a completely satisfactory solution to that data-analysis problem....
...Are you familiar with Markov-Chain Monte Carlo Bayesian methods?
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Or perhaps `umx::umxGxE_window`
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GxE model for binary variable
I just notice that you are tying to fit a GxE model with a binary phenotype variable, what is i am going to do.
I have read the previous posts and related literature, but still can not change the code by myself.
I would like to ask if your problem has been solved? Could you share your chaged code with me.
Thank your!
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In reply to GxE model for binary variable by xiyuesenlinyu
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In reply to moderator? by AdminRobK
continuous and categorical variables
My moderators include both continuous and categorical variables, and the phenotype variable is a binary variable.
I will try the code first. If there are any questions, I'll consult you again.
Thank you again!
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