Sex Limitation Model Question
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I attended the Boulder workshop a couple years ago and am now trying my hand at sex limitation modeling. Currently, I am working on a same-sex twin pair sex limitation model for liability to alcohol use disorder. I've found measurement invariance and A and C are invariant. C was non-sig. and is constrained to zero. The AUD factor intercept is invariant. Can I interpret the sex difference in the AUD means in terms of greater genetic risk for AUD in the males?
I attended the Boulder workshop a couple years ago and am now trying my hand at sex limitation modeling. Currently, I am working on a same-sex twin pair sex limitation model for liability to alcohol use disorder. I've found measurement invariance and A and C are invariant. C was non-sig. and is constrained to zero. The AUD factor intercept is invariant. Can I interpret the sex difference in the AUD means in terms of greater genetic risk for AUD in the males?
I've done some reading, checked out the OpenMX forum, and looked back at the Boulder slides (they mention mean differences but then move quickly to scalar and non-scalar limitation). I'm guessing this is so basic that I'm not seeing the answer somewhere....
Thanks for considering my question!
Not really
In a multivariate context, some more leverage can be obtained, and factor means may be identifiable parameters given certain assumptions. Conor Dolan investigated this in the context of race differences in intelligence (
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Thanks and could I trouble you a little more? :-)
The Dolan paper looks really helpful though I'm not sure I want to get into competing models of AUD quite yet. Am I right that this is mostly attending to measurement structure differences (i.e., g vs. non-g models)?
Thanks again for your time! I can't quite seem to get around this conceptual roadblock on my own.
- George
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In reply to Thanks and could I trouble you a little more? :-) by George Richardson
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Ah answered that last question myself.
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