Need Help about Bivariate ACE model script

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No user picture. Mumu Joined: 10/23/2016
Hello, everyone.

I'm new to behavioral genetics. I've learn some knowledge about this area by myself and finish the univariate genetic analysis about twin data. But it's a little difficult for me to find updated bivariate model script. The newest one I found is written on 2012, some lines cannot be read neither by R or me.

I wish someone can throw a web which contain updated bivariate genetic model script.

(I have read the script here: but the result I get by this script didn't have AIC; I wonder if there is any correct new script, I need your help! )

Thank you sincerely,

OpenMx version 3.2.4
R version 3.2.3

Replied on Fri, 10/28/2016 - 15:30
Picture of user. AdminRobK Joined: 01/24/2014

Maybe look around in here, , and particularly in the 'maes' and 'bartels' directories.