Trying to run a bivariate saturated model

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I haven't found a script that does this, so I attempted to adapt an existing one. The entire purpose of running the saturated model is to 1) get cross-twin cross-trait correlations and 2) check assumptions to be sure everything can be constrained. That's all I want to do! My script for running the bivariate Cholesky seems to work fine.
I assume that this analysis would be fairly common given that assumption checking is part of the process and CTCT correlations are often reported. But, I'm just having a ton of problems with actually running it. Lots of Mx RED error codes, and then when I get to the final steps (constraining means, variances, and covariances, and then constraining CTCT), I am getting error code 10 about implausible start values. Sometimes when I use mxTryHard this goes away, other times it does not and there are errors, and still other times it takes so long that the system crashes.
Granted I'm still a novice, but I have never ever had so many errors (or error code 10), so I'm just wondering if I'm missing something obvious that I've done wrong or if there's a way to make my code less computationally intensive, as I have to repeat this analysis many times.
Any help would be much appreciated.
isn't really helping, and why you're getting status code 10:mxTryHard()
is able to randomly generate start values such that one of the two model-expected covariance matrices is non-positive-definite; those would indeed be infeasible starting values.I admit, though, that using the Cholesky parameterization will make it more complicated to impose the equality constraints required for the submodels you fit after the saturated model.
It might help if you posted the output from your script. If you do so, use argument
.Edit: You create object
on line 50 of your script. The comment on that line says "lower bound for variances", but you never uselbVas
, and don't otherwise enforce positivity of the diagonal elements of the covariance matrices. Try defininglbVas
differently:lbVas <- matrix(NA,ntv,ntv)
diag(lbVas) <- 0.0001
Then, use it when defining the model-expected covariance matrices:
expCovMZ <- mxMatrix( type="Symm", nrow=ntv, ncol=ntv, free=TRUE, values=svVas, labels=laVaMZ, name="expCovMZ", lbound=lbVas )
expCovDZ <- mxMatrix( type="Symm", nrow=ntv, ncol=ntv, free=TRUE, values=svVas, labels=laVaDZ, name="expCovDZ", lbound=lbVas )
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In reply to reparameterize by AdminRobK
something wrong with means model
BAGE <- mxMatrix( type="Full", nrow=1, ncol=2, free=TRUE, values= .6, label=c("bage_caster", "bage_ogo"), name="betaage")
BSEX <- mxMatrix( type="Full", nrow=1, ncol=2, free=TRUE, values= .6, label=c("bsex_caster", "bsex_ogo"), name="betasex")
BAGE2 <- mxMatrix( type="Full", nrow=1, ncol=2, free=TRUE, values= .6, label=c("bage2_caster", "bage2_ogo"), name="betaage2")
OBSAGE <- mxMatrix( type="Full", nrow=1, ncol=2, free=FALSE, label=c("data.ageT1", "data.ageT2"), name="Age" )
OBSAGE2 <- mxMatrix( type="Full", nrow=1, ncol=2, free=FALSE, label=c("data.age2T1", "data.age2T2"), name="Age2" )
OBSEX <- mxMatrix( type="Full", nrow=1, ncol=2, free=FALSE, label=c("data.sexT1", "data.sexT2"), name="Sex" )
meanMZ <- mxMatrix( type="Full", nrow=1, ncol=ntv, free=TRUE, values=.6, labels=laMeMZ, name="meanMZ" )
meanDZ <- mxMatrix( type="Full", nrow=1, ncol=ntv, free=TRUE, values=.6, labels=laMeDZ, name="meanDZ" )
expMeanMZ <- mxAlgebra( expression= meanMZ + betasex %x%Sex + betaage %x%Age + betaage2 %x%Age2, name="expMeanMZ" )
expMeanDZ <- mxAlgebra( expression= meanDZ + betasex %x%Sex + betaage %x%Age + betaage2 %x%Age2, name="expMeanDZ" )
As it stands, both phenotypes are being regressed onto both age1 and age2. Furthermore, the Kronecker products don't make sense. The Kronecker product
betaage %x% Age
is the equivalent ofcbind(bage_caster*data.ageT1, bage_caster*data.ageT2, bage_ogo*data.ageT1, bage_ogo*data.ageT2)
which I'm pretty sure isn't what you want--it doesn't match the ordering of your variables.
Which phenotype is supposed to be regressed onto age1, and which is supposed to be regressed onto age2?
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In reply to something wrong with means model by AdminRobK
Yup, in the original script,
Caster is supposed to be regressed onto age 1, and Ogo is supposed to be regressed onto age 2.
I couldn't figure out how to build that into the original script, so then I had that line that says:
twinSat2Model <- omxSetParameters( twinSatModel, labels=c("bage_ogo", "bage2_caster"), free=FALSE, values=0 )
twinSat2Fit <- mxRun(twinSat2Model)
But it sounds like something still may be wrong?
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In reply to Yup, in the original script, by JuliaJoplin
try this
Ah, I see now. If I were you, I wouldn't bother with fitting a model that doesn't have those two extraneous regression coefficients fixed to zero. You can fix them to zero ab initio with:
BAGE <- mxMatrix( type="Full", nrow=1, ncol=2, free=c(TRUE,FALSE), values= c(.6,0), label=c("bage_caster", "bage_ogo"), name="betaage")
BSEX <- mxMatrix( type="Full", nrow=1, ncol=2, free=TRUE, values= .6, label=c("bsex_caster", "bsex_ogo"), name="betasex")
BAGE2 <- mxMatrix( type="Full", nrow=1, ncol=2, free=c(FALSE,TRUE), values= c(0,.6), label=c("bage2_caster", "bage2_ogo"), name="betaage2")
Yes. Reverse the order of the factors in the Kronecker products:
expMeanMZ <- mxAlgebra( expression= meanMZ + Sex %x%betasex + Age %x% betaage + Age2 %x% betaage2, name="expMeanMZ" )
expMeanDZ <- mxAlgebra( expression= meanDZ + Sex %x%betasex + Age %x% betaage + Age2 %x% betaage2, name="expMeanDZ" )
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In reply to try this by AdminRobK
selVars <- c("happy1", "happy2")
expMeanMZ <- mxAlgebra( expression= meanMZ + betasex %x%Sex + betaage %x%Age, name="expMeanMZ" )
Anyway, I have tried to rerun the script, and it works okay till I get to the very last two models -- eqMVarsCTCTZygModel and eqMVarsZygModel. eqMVarsZygModel I can get to work with mxTryHard, but the other one does not seem to be working. As you mentioned, here's the output!
I haven't paid very close attention to the start values, so that could be a place to start assuming this reparameterization is going to be pretty tricky. (I had another script that I believe did do it in this way but it didn't adjust for covariates.) I know I do need to do this to be sure the assumptions are met.
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In reply to Thanks by JuliaJoplin
maybe update package
got an overhaul for version 2.5.Edit: Yes, in fact, DEFINITELY update OpenMx. I think you're encountering bugs in
that were repaired months ago.Log in or register to post comments
In reply to maybe update package by AdminRobK
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In reply to thanks! by JuliaJoplin
Good to hear
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Starting values?
I agree with Rob that reparameterizing as a Cholesky would be more robust, but perhaps you would get away with the symmetric specification as long as the starting values are decent.
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