Bivariate Cholesky: error in
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cholesky (1).R | 6.2 KB |
newsimulatedData.csv | 166.97 KB |
Hi! I am a novice, trying to move from univariate to multivariate analysis. So I downloaded the script cholesky.R from Sarah Medland's webpage (, along with the data file. I tried to adapt the script to my data but I ran into an error. So I ran the script as I downloaded it, on the supplied simulated data, without modifying it (see eattachment) and I still encounter the same error, at this point. I do not know what this error means and I do not know why it mentions "what" since it does not exist in the script. I would greatly appreciate your help as I am currently stuck and I do not have any colleagues that use OpenMx.
# To create Labels for Lower Triangular Matrices
> aLabs <- paste("a",, sapply(seq(1, nv), function(x){ paste(x:nv, x,sep="") })), sep="")
Error in, sapply(seq(1, nv), function(x) { :
'what' must be a character string or a function
# To create Labels for Lower Triangular Matrices
> aLabs <- paste("a",, sapply(seq(1, nv), function(x){ paste(x:nv, x,sep="") })), sep="")
Error in, sapply(seq(1, nv), function(x) { :
'what' must be a character string or a function
Weird. Try this.
Here's some explanation first; the solution comes later. The line
aLabs <- paste("a",, sapply(seq(1, nv), function(x){ paste(x:nv, x,sep="") })), sep="")
creates labels for the "a" matrix later. It does this through nested function calls. The outer-most call is
paste("a", stuff)
where "stuff", moreStuff)
. The error is thrown by "stuff", or more precisely the function. The first argument of the function is "what". The error message is saying that it doesn't think 'c' is a valid 'what' argument. I think the error must be a Mac vs Windows issue because the line worked on my machine. Hopefully that helps a bit.The thing produced by this line is
[1] "a11" "a21" "a31" "a41" "a51" "a61" "a22" "a32" "a42" "a52" "a62" "a33"
[13] "a43" "a53" "a63" "a44" "a54" "a64" "a55" "a65" "a66"
If the line doesn't work for you, let's just use different code to produce the same output. Here's an example.
aLabs <- paste("a", outer(1:nv, 1:nv, paste, sep="")[lower.tri(matrix(NA, nv, nv), TRUE)], sep="")
A last thing you could try is to replace that line with the same line, but put quotes around "c".
aLabs <- paste("a","c", sapply(seq(1, nv), function(x){ paste(x:nv, x,sep="") })), sep="")
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In reply to Weird. Try this. by mhunter
R version?
Anyhow, yet another way of getting that line to run would be
aLabs <- paste("a",, sapply(seq(1, nv), function(x){ paste(x:nv, x,sep="") })), sep="")
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In reply to Weird. Try this. by mhunter
Thank you very much! That
I ran the rest of the script and encountered other problems. I had to replace deprecated functions (I guess the script is old) and that fixed it. However, I encountered one more issue towards the end of the script, when I get this error message:
CholAceFit <- mxRun(CholAceModel)
Error: The references 'MZ.fitfunction' and 'DZ.fitfunction' are unknown in the algebra named 'CholACE.m2LL'
In addition: Warning messages:
1: In : applied to non-(list or vector) of type 'symbol'
2: In : applied to non-(list or vector) of type 'symbol'
I guess I am getting this because earlier in the script I had to replace deprecated function "mxAlgebraObjective" (as suggested by an error message) like so:
obj <- mxAlgebraObjective( "m2LL" )
replaced with
obj <- mxFitFunctionAlgebra( "m2LL" )
I suspect I have to modify the following line which appears after the previous line, to include references "MZ.fitfunction" and "DZ.fitfunction", but I have no clue how to do that:
CholAceModel <- mxModel( "CholACE", pars, modelMZ, modelDZ, minus2ll, obj )
To summarize, the concerned lines of code are these (culimating in error message at the last line):
obj <- mxFitFunctionAlgebra("m2LL" )
CholAceModel <- mxModel( "CholACE", pars, modelMZ, modelDZ, minus2ll, obj )
CholAceFit <- mxRun(CholAceModel)
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In reply to Thank you very much! That by Daxide
Try this code instead
# Objective objects for Multiple Groups
xpecMZ <- mxExpectationNormal( covariance="expCovMZ", means="expMean", dimnames=selVars )
xpecDZ <- mxExpectationNormal( covariance="expCovDZ", means="expMean", dimnames=selVars )
twinfit <- mxFitFunctionML()
# Combine Groups
pars <- list( pathA, pathC, pathE, covA, covC, covE, covP, matI, invSD, invSDa, invSDe, estVars ) #invSDc,
modelMZ <- mxModel( pars, inclusions, covMZ, dataMZ, xpecMZ, twinfit, name="MZ" )
modelDZ <- mxModel( pars, inclusions, covDZ, dataDZ, xpecDZ, twinfit, name="DZ" )
minus2ll <- mxFitFunctionMultigroup(c("MZ.fitfunction","DZ.fitfunction"))
CholAceModel <- mxModel( "CholACE", pars, modelMZ, modelDZ, minus2ll)
Edit: BTW, I get status code 6 when I run this model on my system. Try re-running it a few times, with
CholAceFit <- mxRun(CholAceFit)
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In reply to Try this code instead by AdminRobK
Ok! Thanks so much, that code
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In reply to Ok! Thanks so much, that code by Daxide
correlation matrix
"solve(sqrt(I*A)) %*% A)",
"solve(sqrt(I*C)) %*% C)",
"solve(sqrt(I*E)) %*% E)",
"solve(sqrt(I*V)) %*% V)")
ACEcorLabels=c("CorA", "CorC", "CorE", "CorP")
formatOutputMatrices(CholAceFit ,ACEcorMatrices,ACEcorLabels, Vars, 4)
and this is the error I get:
[1] "Matrix solve(sqrt(I*A)) %*% A)":1:23: unexpected ')'
Error in print(formatOutputMatrix(evalQuote(matricesList[[k]], fittedModel), :
error in evaluating the argument 'x' in selecting a method for function 'print': Error in parse(text = expstring) :
1: solve(sqrt(I*A)) %*% A)
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In reply to correlation matrix by Daxide
Unbalanced parens
"solve(sqrt(I*A)) %*% A)",
"solve(sqrt(I*C)) %*% C)",
"solve(sqrt(I*E)) %*% E)",
"solve(sqrt(I*V)) %*% V)"
each line has two open-parentheses but three close-parentheses. Try deleting one of the close-parentheses...probably the last one in each line (I'm not sure what this code is supposed to do)?
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In reply to Unbalanced parens by AdminRobK
Yes you are right...I had not
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In reply to Yes you are right...I had not by Daxide
Then shouldn't it be
"solve(sqrt(I*A)) %&% A"
etc., i.e. with the quadratic product operator
instead of%*%
?If all you want to do is turn a covariance matrix into a correlation matrix, consider
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In reply to cov2cor by AdminRobK
Thanks, I had spotted that
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In reply to Thanks, I had spotted that by Daxide
You're welcome.
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In reply to You're welcome. by AdminRobK
code working (kinda)
The code now seems to work, but only for a variable pair and not for the other. I attach both the code and the dataset.
The first bivariate analysis (Po-VarX) yields meaningful results , but the other (Zic-VarX) yields a strange matrix. E.g.:
CorA1 CorA2
VarX 1.0000 1.0000
Zic 1.0000 1.0000
CorC1 CorC2
VarX 1.0000 -1.0000
Zic -1.0000 1.0000
CorE1 CorE2
VarX 1.0000 -0.2285
Zic -0.2285 1.0000
I have no idea what this is due to as I used the same code and just changed variable names. I also ran univariate on "Zic" and it produced consistent results. I don't even get any error messages.
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In reply to code working (kinda) by Daxide
I think those results are right
CholAceModel <- mxModel(
"CholACE", pars, modelMZ, modelDZ, minus2ll,
CholAceFit <- mxRun(CholAceModel,intervals=T)
CholAceSumm <- summary(CholAceFit,verbose=T)
I get (displaying only the first 4 columns of 'CI details'):
confidence intervals:
lbound estimate ubound note
CholACE.Cors[1,1] 0.9998999 1.0000000 NA !!!
CholACE.Cors[2,1] NA -1.0000000 1.00000000 !!!
CholACE.Cors[3,1] -0.4112075 -0.2284786 -0.01972023
CI details:
parameter value side fit
1 CholACE.Cors[1,1] 1.00000000 upper 1650.391
2 CholACE.Cors[1,1] 0.99989994 lower 1654.233
3 CholACE.Cors[2,1] 1.00000000 upper 1654.233
4 CholACE.Cors[2,1] -1.00000000 lower 1650.391
5 CholACE.Cors[3,1] -0.01972023 upper 1654.233
6 CholACE.Cors[3,1] -0.41120753 lower 1654.233
The upper confidence limit for the A correlation is 1.0, the same as the point estimate; the lower confidence limit is very close to the point estimate, but the change in fit is approximately correct for a 95% profile-likelihood confidence limit (under most circumstances--I won't get into the complication that the point estimate is on the boundary of the parameter space). On the other hand, your estimate for the C correlation has no statistical precision: the confidence interval spans the entire parameter space of [-1,1].
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In reply to I think those results are right by AdminRobK
Ok thank you! Too bad I
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