Constraining Components Across Gender Results in Significant Loss of Model Fit?
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Joined: 06/08/2012
I'm running a simple ACE model of a continuous variable in openMX. I'm running both a constrained and sex-limited model to see which provides a better fit, and then running various constrained or sex-limited submodels where a or c are dropped.
Here is what I have noticed -- in a sex-limited submodel where c is dropped, the a and e variance components and confidence intervals are extremely similar across males and females -- AND, extremely similar to the components for a constrained model where c is dropped.
However, the sex-limited model is a SIGNIFICANTLY better fit. There is no comparison. It's waaaaay better, and yet, in reporting the variance components, it looks like it's about equal to the constrained model that's more parsimonious.
I'm having trouble wrapping my mind around this conceptually. Anyone have any insights? Would it be helpful to post my syntax?
The models' summary() output
output would probably be more informative, though the syntax might be helpful, too. If you post them, attach them to your post as text files, or at least use theHTML tags if you include them in the body of your post.
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In reply to The models' summary() output by AdminRobK
Here it is
twinACE2 = constrained across gender, full ACE
TwinAe2 = constrained across gender, drop C
twinACE3 = sex limited, full ACE
TwinAe3 = sex limited, drop C in both males and females
I also included a mxCompare for the TwinAe2Sum and the TwinAe3Sum, where TwinAe2 is much worse despite very similar estimates for the variance components.
> twinACE2Summ
happy1 happy2
Min. :-0.99600 Min. :-1.16477
1st Qu.:-0.69904 1st Qu.:-0.70367
Median :-0.61150 Median :-0.61391
Mean :-0.05889 Mean :-0.02597
3rd Qu.: 0.06369 3rd Qu.: 0.20706
Max. : 3.32268 Max. : 3.34504
NA's :59 NA's :57
happy1 happy2
Min. :-0.84391 Min. :-1.01634
1st Qu.:-0.68266 1st Qu.:-0.69592
Median :-0.60506 Median :-0.61179
Mean : 0.07268 Mean : 0.09249
3rd Qu.: 0.33279 3rd Qu.: 0.37600
Max. : 3.27685 Max. : 3.26455
NA's :20 NA's :19
happy1 happy2
Min. :-0.6727 Min. :-0.74258
1st Qu.:-0.3339 1st Qu.:-0.33622
Median :-0.2724 Median :-0.28683
Mean :-0.0255 Mean :-0.00853
3rd Qu.:-0.2039 3rd Qu.:-0.19122
Max. : 3.6351 Max. : 3.60820
NA's :46 NA's :45
happy1 happy2
Min. :-0.77595 Min. :-0.823770
1st Qu.:-0.34847 1st Qu.:-0.342329
Median :-0.28070 Median :-0.267554
Mean : 0.05976 Mean : 0.004863
3rd Qu.:-0.19968 3rd Qu.:-0.174856
Max. : 3.62864 Max. : 3.522407
NA's :17 NA's :23
free parameters:
name matrix row col Estimate Std.Error lbound ubound
1 am11 1 1 6.719720e-01 0.06941471
2 cm11 1 1 2.032210e-01 0.19949728
3 em11 ACE.em 1 1 6.748012e-01 0.01795741
4 meanM ACE.Mm 1 1 -9.251628e-05 0.03528906
5 meanF ACE.Mf 1 1 1.757629e-03 0.03281190
confidence intervals:
lbound estimate ubound
ACE.h2m[1,1] 2.910983e-01 0.47621338 0.5700096
ACE.c2m[1,1] 1.635266e-21 0.04355485 0.2052719
ACE.e2m[1,1] 4.299761e-01 0.48023178 0.5357458
ACE.h2f[1,1] 2.910983e-01 0.47621338 0.5700096
ACE.c2f[1,1] 1.635266e-21 0.04355485 0.2052719
ACE.e2f[1,1] 4.299761e-01 0.48023178 0.5357458
observed statistics: 2298
estimated parameters: 5
degrees of freedom: 2293
-2 log likelihood: 6144.707
saturated -2 log likelihood: NA
number of observations: 1292
chi-square: NA
p: NA
Information Criteria:
df Penalty Parameters Penalty Sample-Size Adjusted
AIC: 1558.707 6154.707 NA
BIC: -10282.223 6180.527 6164.644
timestamp: 2015-05-11 17:29:11
frontend time: 0.7330432 secs
backend time: 10.84262 secs
independent submodels time: 0 secs
wall clock time: 11.57566 secs
cpu time: 11.57566 secs
openmx version number: 1.4-3060
> twinACE3Summ
happy1 happy2
Min. :-0.99600 Min. :-1.16477
1st Qu.:-0.69904 1st Qu.:-0.70367
Median :-0.61150 Median :-0.61391
Mean :-0.05889 Mean :-0.02597
3rd Qu.: 0.06369 3rd Qu.: 0.20706
Max. : 3.32268 Max. : 3.34504
NA's :59 NA's :57
happy1 happy2
Min. :-0.84391 Min. :-1.01634
1st Qu.:-0.68266 1st Qu.:-0.69592
Median :-0.60506 Median :-0.61179
Mean : 0.07268 Mean : 0.09249
3rd Qu.: 0.33279 3rd Qu.: 0.37600
Max. : 3.27685 Max. : 3.26455
NA's :20 NA's :19
happy1 happy2
Min. :-0.6727 Min. :-0.74258
1st Qu.:-0.3339 1st Qu.:-0.33622
Median :-0.2724 Median :-0.28683
Mean :-0.0255 Mean :-0.00853
3rd Qu.:-0.2039 3rd Qu.:-0.19122
Max. : 3.6351 Max. : 3.60820
NA's :46 NA's :45
happy1 happy2
Min. :-0.77595 Min. :-0.823770
1st Qu.:-0.34847 1st Qu.:-0.342329
Median :-0.28070 Median :-0.267554
Mean : 0.05976 Mean : 0.004863
3rd Qu.:-0.19968 3rd Qu.:-0.174856
Max. : 3.62864 Max. : 3.522407
NA's :17 NA's :23
The final iterate satisfies the optimality conditions to the accuracy requested, but the sequence of iterates has not yet converged. NPSOL was terminated because no further improvement could be made in the merit function (Mx status GREEN).
free parameters:
name matrix row col Estimate Std.Error lbound ubound
1 am11 1 1 8.366214e-01 0.04156916
2 cm11 1 1 5.351316e-07 0.38932071
3 em11 ACE.em 1 1 7.824401e-01 0.02938613
4 af11 1 1 4.062740e-01 0.09921859
5 cf11 1 1 3.784636e-01 0.09152652
6 ef11 ACE.ef 1 1 5.708559e-01 0.02097595
7 meanM ACE.Mm 1 1 4.382081e-04 0.04150923
8 meanF ACE.Mf 1 1 8.345160e-04 0.02694799
confidence intervals:
lbound estimate ubound
ACE.h2m[1,1] 3.230728e-01 5.334272e-01 0.6024054
ACE.c2m[1,1] 4.188448e-22 2.182420e-13 0.1816084
ACE.e2m[1,1] 3.975946e-01 4.665728e-01 0.5448360
ACE.h2f[1,1] 1.697180e-02 2.602750e-01 0.5137549
ACE.c2f[1,1] 2.252041e-03 2.258618e-01 0.4275499
ACE.e2f[1,1] 4.414490e-01 5.138632e-01 0.5965823
observed statistics: 2298
estimated parameters: 8
degrees of freedom: 2290
-2 log likelihood: 5995.339
saturated -2 log likelihood: NA
number of observations: 1292
chi-square: NA
p: NA
Information Criteria:
df Penalty Parameters Penalty Sample-Size Adjusted
AIC: 1415.339 6011.339 NA
BIC: -10410.099 6052.651 6027.239
timestamp: 2015-05-11 17:33:11
frontend time: 0.6750391 secs
backend time: 17.71001 secs
independent submodels time: 0 secs
wall clock time: 18.38505 secs
cpu time: 18.38505 secs
openmx version number: 1.4-3060
> TwinAe2Sum
happy1 happy2
Min. :-0.99600 Min. :-1.16477
1st Qu.:-0.69904 1st Qu.:-0.70367
Median :-0.61150 Median :-0.61391
Mean :-0.05889 Mean :-0.02597
3rd Qu.: 0.06369 3rd Qu.: 0.20706
Max. : 3.32268 Max. : 3.34504
NA's :59 NA's :57
happy1 happy2
Min. :-0.84391 Min. :-1.01634
1st Qu.:-0.68266 1st Qu.:-0.69592
Median :-0.60506 Median :-0.61179
Mean : 0.07268 Mean : 0.09249
3rd Qu.: 0.33279 3rd Qu.: 0.37600
Max. : 3.27685 Max. : 3.26455
NA's :20 NA's :19
happy1 happy2
Min. :-0.6727 Min. :-0.74258
1st Qu.:-0.3339 1st Qu.:-0.33622
Median :-0.2724 Median :-0.28683
Mean :-0.0255 Mean :-0.00853
3rd Qu.:-0.2039 3rd Qu.:-0.19122
Max. : 3.6351 Max. : 3.60820
NA's :46 NA's :45
happy1 happy2
Min. :-0.77595 Min. :-0.823770
1st Qu.:-0.34847 1st Qu.:-0.342329
Median :-0.28070 Median :-0.267554
Mean : 0.05976 Mean : 0.004863
3rd Qu.:-0.19968 3rd Qu.:-0.174856
Max. : 3.62864 Max. : 3.522407
NA's :17 NA's :23
free parameters:
name matrix row col Estimate Std.Error lbound ubound
1 am11 1 1 0.7042320230 0.02411151
2 em11 ACE.em 1 1 0.6722360079 0.01707699
3 meanM ACE.Mm 1 1 0.0004698117 0.03518650
4 meanF ACE.Mf 1 1 0.0019849251 0.03272445
confidence intervals:
lbound estimate ubound
ACE.h2m[1,1] 0.4706395 0.5232325 0.5715719
ACE.c2m[1,1] 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000
ACE.e2m[1,1] 0.4284281 0.4767675 0.5293605
ACE.h2f[1,1] 0.4706395 0.5232325 0.5715719
ACE.c2f[1,1] 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000
ACE.e2f[1,1] 0.4284281 0.4767675 0.5293605
observed statistics: 2298
estimated parameters: 4
degrees of freedom: 2294
-2 log likelihood: 6144.962
saturated -2 log likelihood: NA
number of observations: 1292
chi-square: NA
p: NA
Information Criteria:
df Penalty Parameters Penalty Sample-Size Adjusted
AIC: 1556.962 6152.962 NA
BIC: -10289.131 6173.618 6160.912
timestamp: 2015-05-11 17:36:12
frontend time: 0.804045 secs
backend time: 4.429254 secs
independent submodels time: 0 secs
wall clock time: 5.233299 secs
cpu time: 5.233299 secs
openmx version number: 1.4-3060
> TwinAe3Sum
happy1 happy2
Min. :-0.99600 Min. :-1.16477
1st Qu.:-0.69904 1st Qu.:-0.70367
Median :-0.61150 Median :-0.61391
Mean :-0.05889 Mean :-0.02597
3rd Qu.: 0.06369 3rd Qu.: 0.20706
Max. : 3.32268 Max. : 3.34504
NA's :59 NA's :57
happy1 happy2
Min. :-0.84391 Min. :-1.01634
1st Qu.:-0.68266 1st Qu.:-0.69592
Median :-0.60506 Median :-0.61179
Mean : 0.07268 Mean : 0.09249
3rd Qu.: 0.33279 3rd Qu.: 0.37600
Max. : 3.27685 Max. : 3.26455
NA's :20 NA's :19
happy1 happy2
Min. :-0.6727 Min. :-0.74258
1st Qu.:-0.3339 1st Qu.:-0.33622
Median :-0.2724 Median :-0.28683
Mean :-0.0255 Mean :-0.00853
3rd Qu.:-0.2039 3rd Qu.:-0.19122
Max. : 3.6351 Max. : 3.60820
NA's :46 NA's :45
happy1 happy2
Min. :-0.77595 Min. :-0.823770
1st Qu.:-0.34847 1st Qu.:-0.342329
Median :-0.28070 Median :-0.267554
Mean : 0.05976 Mean : 0.004863
3rd Qu.:-0.19968 3rd Qu.:-0.174856
Max. : 3.62864 Max. : 3.522407
NA's :17 NA's :23
The final iterate satisfies the optimality conditions to the accuracy requested, but the sequence of iterates has not yet converged. NPSOL was terminated because no further improvement could be made in the merit function (Mx status GREEN).
free parameters:
name matrix row col Estimate Std.Error lbound ubound
1 am11 1 1 0.8366215095 0.04156926
2 em11 ACE.em 1 1 0.7824398828 0.02938617
3 af11 1 1 0.5668069445 0.02706902
4 ef11 ACE.ef 1 1 0.5590466843 0.01919378
5 meanM ACE.Mm 1 1 0.0004380475 0.04150877
6 meanF ACE.Mf 1 1 0.0019770976 0.02664580
confidence intervals:
lbound estimate ubound
ACE.h2m[1,1] 0.4551683 0.5334274 0.6024054
ACE.c2m[1,1] 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000
ACE.e2m[1,1] 0.3975946 0.4665726 0.5448317
ACE.h2f[1,1] 0.4332632 0.5068925 0.5727278
ACE.c2f[1,1] 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000
ACE.e2f[1,1] 0.4272722 0.4931075 0.5667368
observed statistics: 2298
estimated parameters: 6
degrees of freedom: 2292
-2 log likelihood: 5999.27
saturated -2 log likelihood: NA
number of observations: 1292
chi-square: NA
p: NA
Information Criteria:
df Penalty Parameters Penalty Sample-Size Adjusted
AIC: 1415.27 6011.270 NA
BIC: -10420.50 6042.254 6023.195
timestamp: 2015-05-11 17:37:36
frontend time: 0.87605 secs
backend time: 6.660381 secs
independent submodels time: 0 secs
wall clock time: 7.536431 secs
cpu time: 7.536431 secs
openmx version number: 1.4-3060
> mxCompare(TwinAe3Fit, TwinAe2Fit) 6 5999.270 2292 1415.270 NA NA NA
base comparison ep minus2LL df AIC diffLL diffdf p
1 Twin3AE
2 Twin3AE Twin2AE 4 6144.962 2294 1556.962 145.6922 2 2.308593e-32
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In reply to Here it is by RFrank
I think the explanation is
On the other hand, the standardized variance components (the variance proportions) do appear to be similar for both sexes. For instance, in the sex-limited AE model, males would have a narrow-sense heritability of about 0.71/(0.71+0.61) = 0.54, and females would have a narrow-sense heritability of about 0.32/(0.32+0.31) = 0.51, which (allowing for rounding error) are close to the point estimates of your MxAlgebras, displayed in the output for the confidence intervals.
So, the standardized variance components are similar by sex, but the raw variance components differ by sex; in other words, heritability is similar by sex, but males have greater overall phenotypic variance.
BTW, I notice that your
output says you're using OpenMx version 1.4-3060. DoesmxVersion()
also say you have version 1.4-3060, and if so, are you using R version 3.1.0 or later? If yes, you should DEFINITELY upgrade your version of OpenMx to version 1.4-3475, or better yet, version 2.0 or 2.0.1. There's a reason we have a yellow-highlighted warning about this on the front page of the OpenMx website.Log in or register to post comments
In reply to I think the explanation is by AdminRobK
Ah, I see! Thank you for
Yes, I recently noticed this warning, and much appreciate the heads up. I noticed this yesterday and I think I'm using R 3.0.3 -- that should mean that my output is okay, right? But I need to go ahead and upgrade both OpenMX and R to the latest versions. (Does Open Mx 2.0 run with versoins of R lower than 3.1?)
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In reply to Ah, I see! Thank you for by RFrank
It's OK then
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In reply to It's OK then by AdminRobK
Ah, thank you! Looks like we
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In reply to Ah, I see! Thank you for by RFrank
A follow-up question as I
(Just thinking about how to make analytic plans in the future.)
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In reply to A follow-up question as I by RFrank
Variance difference only
sdDiff <- mxMatrix("Diag", 2, 2, labels=rep("sdScale",2), free=T, values=1, name=sdScale)
sdOS <- mxMatrix("Diag", 2, 2, labels=c("sdScale",NA), free=c(T,F), values=1, name=sdOS)
mxAlgebra( sdDiff %&% whateverYouHadForMZMales, name="whateverMZMaleCovWasCalledBefore")
mxAlgebra( sdDiff %&% whateverYouHadForDZMales, name="whateverDZMaleCovWasCalledBefore")
mxAlgebra( sdOS %&% whateverYouHadForOSDZandAssumingTwin1isMale, name="whateverDZOSCovWasCalledBefore")
In a multivariate analysis, we'd probably want to do this a bit differently to simplify specification, e.g., using a diag(2) matrix to Kronecker product the variance differences matrices.
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In reply to Variance difference only by neale
There don't appear to be OS
Edit: Something like my suggestion in another thread.
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In reply to There don't appear to be OS by AdminRobK
It looks to me like the output is as it is supposed to! The raw variance is different across gender but the standardized variance components are the same. I've attached my output here just to confirm that I've put these suggestions into place correctly. (Note that I used a different variable which is why the results are way different than my original post.) Thanks again!
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In reply to Oops by RFrank
Good to hear. You're
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In reply to A follow-up question as I by RFrank
I don't think I understand
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