OpenMx performance on CentOS server

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No user picture. hiliang Joined: 11/17/2014
I just run the demo script of the package and I don't modify the script.

when I run the demo script AlternativeApproaches.R on my computer, the running cpu is around 100% and completed in 10 seconds.
time Rscript AlternativeApproaches.R
real 0m2.431s
user 0m3.752s
sys 0m0.093s

But when I run the script on my company CentOS server, the running cpu is above 500% and completed in more than 15 minutes.
time Rscript AlternativeApproaches.R
real 2m39.438s
user 15m6.753s
sys 0m2.392s

it waste a lot of time to complete the mxRun() function.
I have checked the param of mxRun() he mxOption(), but I didn't find out what param involved to this problem.
what should I do to improve the performance of the script(almost all the demo script) when I run it on my server?

Replied on Tue, 03/17/2015 - 09:50
No user picture. hiliang Joined: 11/17/2014

In reply to by tbates

OpenMx version:
R version: R version 3.1.1 (2014-07-10)
Platform: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
Default optimiser: CSOLNP

I run the script on my company Bioinformatics Linux Cluster(BLC), the system Version of the BLC is:

LSB Version: :core-3.1-amd64:core-3.1-ia32:core-3.1-noarch:graphics-3.1-amd64:graphics-3.1-ia32:graphics-3.1-noarch
Distributor ID: CentOS
Description: CentOS release 5.5 (Final)
Release: 5.5
Codename: Final

I think may be the problem is involved to the setting of BLC, but I don't know what cause this problem. Is there anyone else get into trouble with this problem?

Replied on Tue, 03/17/2015 - 10:12
Picture of user. mhunter Joined: 07/31/2009

In reply to by hiliang

I'm not at all sure this will fix the performance problem, but try adding

mxOption(NULL, "Default optimizer", "NPSOL")

To the script anywhere before mxRun(). Then see if the performance is still poor. This command changes the optimizer from its current CSOLNP to NPSOL. Is the performance the same for the other optimizer?

Replied on Tue, 03/17/2015 - 10:56
Picture of user. neale Joined: 07/31/2009

You should definitely try the mxOption() to change the optimizer, as suggested by Dr. Hunter.

Another thing to explore is whether using multiple cores is somehow the problem. You can change the number being used by Centos using the following anywhere before the mxRun():

mxOption(NULL, 'Number of Threads', 1)

this would probably set the number of threads to be the same as on the PC, i.e., 1. However, some performance metrics might indicate 100% with just one core being used (and report 200% for 2 etc). Others might indicate 100% when all cores are running. Without more information I don't know which. If both the PC and Centos versions are given the above mxOption then for sure they would be on the same footing.