CIs when RMSEA = 0
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Hi all,
I noticed that when RMSEA = 0, the CIs come out as NA. Why is that? Is it a bug? Or are CIs theoretically undefined when RMSEA=0?
I noticed that when RMSEA = 0, the CIs come out as NA. Why is that? Is it a bug? Or are CIs theoretically undefined when RMSEA=0?
If the chi-squared degrees of freedom are missing or negative, then the we don't even try to compute the RMSEA CIs. If for some reason the squared RMSEA is negative then we don't try to do the CIs and we should report RMSEA as zero with a comment that the non-centrality parameter is less than zero. The CIs are undefined in this case. When we do try to get CIs for the RMSEA, that could still fail which also generates NA CIs. I don't think we're very good about reporting exactly which of these has occurred.
Also, there is a function (I believe not yet documented, sorry) that you can call directly for RMSEA and CIs.
omxRMSEA(model, lower, upper)
For the 95% CI, lower=0.025 and upper=0.975.
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In reply to depends by mhunter
When you say squared RMSEA
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In reply to When you say squared RMSEA by wuhao_osu
True, but ...
As a toy exmaple, F=1, df=3, n=100 yields
lower upper
0.0000000 0.1296522
OpenMx could report the RMSEA CI even in these cases when RMSEA is complex, but I think that opens an odd can of worms. It would be an easy code change to make, but the user implications are not clear to me. Do other developers have an opinion on this?
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In reply to True, but ... by mhunter
I think in this case the
By the way, F usually refers to the discrepancy function and T=n*F is the test statistic that has a central or noncentral chi square distribution.
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In reply to I think in this case the by wuhao_osu
MxSummary Update
In my formulae above, I was using F to represent the Chi-Squared value: Minus2LogLikeModel - Minus2LogLikeSaturated. For raw data FIML, this chi-squared value automatically depends on n. For covariance data ML, it is n*(ML Fit Function Value).
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