OpenMx Summer School

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Picture of user. Fruhling Joined: 06/09/2010
Could you please add this to the workshop list:

11th MRC Social, Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry Centre Summer School
12th – 16th July 2010
Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London, London UK
Twin Model Fitting: Introducing the New OpenMx
Next year's OpenMx course: June 20th - 24th, 2011. Registration opens in October 2010.

This course will teach the basic principles of the classical twin model as well as the basic skills to analyze twin data by teaching delegates how to write simple scripts and how to interpret the output.
Knowledge of R and old Mx is not necessary. The Lectures and practicals will cover (i) intro to R and OpenMx (ii) univariate and multivariate models applied to continuous raw data; (iii) univariate models applied to ordinal data (liability threshold models fitted to contingency tables); (iv) sex-limitation models. In addition, we will address some basic concepts of structural equation modeling like matrix algebra, path tracing, maximum likelihood estimation and power issues. For more information go to:
COURSE FEE 2010: £500 (external) £300 (internal)