NTFD without zygosity information
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Joined: 05/15/2020
is it possible to estimate a NTFD without zygosity information? I know from other twin models that they can be adapted to this type of data. Is it also the case for the NTFD? If so, how would one adapt the script in OpenMx?
is it possible to estimate a NTFD without zygosity information? I know from other twin models that they can be adapted to this type of data. Is it also the case for the NTFD? If so, how would one adapt the script in OpenMx?
I really don't understand what you are asking. Please elaborate.
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Clarify NTFD please
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In reply to Clarification by Benny
You may find the mixture
I think it should work fine with nuclear family, twins & their parents data. It is also possible to estimate the proportion of MZ pairs as (TotalNumberofPairs - 2 x NumberofOppSexDZpairs)/ TotalNumberofPairs
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Yes, it should be possible to
If you have unrelated siblings reared together (e.g., stepsiblings or adoptees), you could actually estimate the relatedness coefficient for the same-sex twins, as a free parameter.
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