Can umx asses a genetically-informative cross-lagged twin model?

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No user picture. lior abramson Joined: 07/21/2017
I would like to assess a genetically-informative cross-lagged twin model (e.g., a model like in Burt et al., 2005- "How are parent-child conflict and childhood externalizing symptoms related over time? Results from a genetically informative cross-lagged study").

Specifically, I have two phenotypes in two time-points (thus, four observed variables in total). I would like the model to estimate:
1) their ACE/ADE components in each time-point
2) the ACE/ADE relations between them in each time-point
3) the phenotypic autoregressive and cross-lagged paths between the two time-points.

Is there a way to do it with umx? Perhaps it is possible to implement an extension of the umxACEv function?
If not, do you know an available syntax for such a model using the RAM paths technique in openMx?

Thank you very much for your help,