umxACE with summary data

I'm trying to do something rather simple - a univariate ACE model (using umxACE) with summary data (either correlation or covariance), but until now I used only raw data. I saw in the documentation this possibility is supported by umxACE, however, I can't seem to make it work.
I've tried several options attached below (mzCorDF - the correlation as a data frame, mzCorMatrix - the correlation (or covariance) matrix of twin 1 and twin 2 of the trait.
What kind of input the function expects for it to understand it is summary data?
umxACE(mzData = .76, dzData = .29, type = "cor", numObsMZ = 149, numObsDZ = 562)
umxACE(selDVs = "Trait1",mzData = mzCorDF, dzData = dzCorDF, type = "cor", numObsMZ = 149, numObsDZ = 562)
umxACE(selDVs = "Trait1",mzData = mzCorMatrix, dzData = mzCorMatrix, type = "cor", numObsMZ = 149, numObsDZ = 562)