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Joined: 03/13/2020
Hi Open Mx Folks
I'm trying to construct a model where I need to implement a constraint across groups. My model is of the form:
Mxgroup1 {
matrix A
matrix B
Mxgroup2 {
matrix C
matrix D
And I want to employ the constraint A + B = C + D
Any ideas how I can do this?
'modelname dot' prefix
Both of those MxModels have to go into another container MxModel. Into that container MxModel, you would also place an MxConstraint, the `expression` of which would be `Group1.A + Group1.B == Group2.C + Group2.D`. That is, you can always refer to an MxMatrix by preceding it with the model-name of the MxModel directly containing it, followed by a period.
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