3-class Mixture Model : Help to find Starting Values for each class!!

I am currently try to fit a 3-class mixture model on longitudinal data. I'm having a hard time understanding how I should set the starting values for each class.
As far as I understood from Chapter 7 of "Growth Modeling" (Grimm, Ram & Estabrook, 2017), p.150, starting values should be different for each class.
I have tried using the mxTryHard() function to set the best fitting starting values, but it seems there is no difference in the outputs with or without that function.
I attach the code, in which you can see that I have erroneously set the starting values at 0 for each class.
Any help is deeply appreciated, I am definitely stuck!!
class1 <- mxModel('Class1', type='RAM',
# residual variances
mxPath(from=c('health_2','health_3','health_4','health_5','health_6','health_7','health_8','health_9'), arrows=2,
free=TRUE, values=1, labels='theta'),
# latent variances and covariance
mxPath(from=c('eta_1','eta_2'), arrows=2, connect='unique.pairs',
free=TRUE, values=c(1, 0.5, 1), labels=c('psi_11', 'psi_12', 'psi_22')),
# intercept loadings
mxPath(from='eta_1', to=c('health_2','health_3','health_4','health_5','health_6','health_7','health_8','health_9'), arrows=1,
free=FALSE, values=1),
# slope loadings
mxPath(from='eta_2', to=c('health_2','health_3','health_4','health_5','health_6','health_7','health_8','health_9'), arrows=1,
free=FALSE, values=c(0, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7)),
# latent variable means
mxPath(from='one', to=c('eta_1', 'eta_2'), arrows=1,
free=TRUE, values=c(0,0), labels=c('alpha_1_c1', 'alpha_2_c1')),
# ML Fit Function to run for each individual
) # close model for class 1
class2 <- mxModel(class1,
# latent means
mxPath(from='one', to=c('eta_1', 'eta_2'), arrows=1,
free=TRUE, values=c(0,0), labels=c('alpha_1_c2', 'alpha_2_c2')),
name='Class2') # close model
class3 <- mxModel(class1,
# latent means
mxPath(from='one', to=c('eta_1', 'eta_2'), arrows=1,
free=TRUE, values=c(0,0), labels=c('alpha_1_c3', 'alpha_2_c3')),
name='Class3') # close model
classRP <- mxMatrix('Full', 3, 1, free=c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE),
values=1, lbound=0.001, labels=c('p1', 'p2', 'p3'), name='RProps')
classP <- mxAlgebra(RProps %x% (1 / sum(RProps)), name='Props')
algObj <- mxAlgebra(-2* sum(log(Props[1,1] %x% Class1.objective + Props[2,1] %x% Class2.objective + Props[3,1] %x% Class3.objective)),
obj <- mxFitFunctionAlgebra('mixtureObj')
gmm.3.means <- mxModel('3Class Means Growth Mixture Model',
mxData(observed=dfwide_OpenMx, type='raw'),
class1, class2, class3, classRP, classP, algObj, obj)
gmm.3.means = mxModel(gmm.3.means, mxCI(c("psi_11", "psi_12", "psi_22", "alpha_1_c2", "alpha_2_c2", "theta", "alpha_1_c1", "alpha_2_c1", 'alpha_1_c3', 'alpha_2_c3'))) # list the things you want CIs for.
gmm.3.means = mxRun(gmm.3.means, intervals= T)
model <- mxTryHard(gmm.3.means) # Run the model, returning the result into model
So, what are the outputs you're getting?
In any event, I don't think `mxTryHard()` can help much if you're giving the same start values to all 3 groups.
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In reply to output? by AdminRobK
Output attached
You can find the output attached.
I also noticed that right after running the model, there's this line:
> summary(model)
Summary of 2Class Means Growth Mixture Model
But i have specified the model as a 3-class one!! how is it possible?
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In reply to Output attached by Aivil
What were you expecting
You may want to consider simulated annealing instead of the default optimizer.
The approach you're using is a little old-fashioned. Yes, I know you're following the User Guide, but the User Guide is out-of-date. You might have an easier time with things if you used
.That line merely prints the name of the MxModel object. It only reflects the character string in the MxModel's 'name' slot
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