is it possible to allow moderators to vary at study level with meta3?

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No user picture. Bln222. Joined: 08/27/2018
Dear all,

I'm performing a three-level meta-analysis, and I have three dummy variables (X1, X2 and X3) that refer to moderator effects. I wonder whether I can allow these moderator variables to vary across studies, and what would be the code in case this option was possible?

My code looks like this now:

h<-summary(meta3(y=d, v=s2e_g, x=cbind(X1, X2, X3), intercept.constraints=0, cluster=study, data=mydf))

And I would like to let X1, X2 and X3 to vary across studies (and estimate the between-studies variance for each of them). However, I don't want to allow them to vary across outcomes.

Thanks in advance!
