Pairwise maximum likelihood estimator available?

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No user picture. Tom Rosenstrom Joined: 03/01/2018
This is probably a good place to ask if anyone has implemented the new pairwise maximum likelihood estimator for Open Mx? For example, this paper mentions that "PLM fit estimates can also be obtained with Open Mx":

I did not yet find an implementation and the tutorial for making new objective functions seemed a bit intimidating with respect to my current scheduling. It would be great if someone could point us to a ready-made solution. Or confirm that this is relatively rapid to implement using R and math only. This might be critical regarding whether we can estimate as big a model as we wish, or not. WLS, DWLS, etc. does not reliably converge and polychoric correlations lead to serious biases (cannot be remedied by bootstrapping) in our case. Thank you in advance, and thanks for the great software!

Best wishes,

Replied on Sat, 03/03/2018 - 16:57
Picture of user. mhunter Joined: 07/31/2009

I'm not sure this is correct and I'd have to read the paper you linked more closely to be sure, but I think the pairwise ML can be obtained from the `mxDataWLS()` function. This function returns an `MxData` object, the `observed` slot of which is the pairwise estimated maximum likelihood covariance (or correlation) matrix of the raw data. You could then use this pairwise covariance matrix as the data in some other non-WLS model.
Replied on Mon, 03/05/2018 - 03:04
No user picture. Tom Rosenstrom Joined: 03/01/2018

In reply to by mhunter

Should have specified this, sorry. Pairwise maximum likelihood is otherwise similar to full information maximum likelihood, but instead of integrating over the entire multidimensional latent space within each row-wise computation, it only integrates over pairs of variables and then sums over the pairwise results. That is, it provides computational speed/feasibility (low-dimensional Gaussian integrals) within ML gradient ascent by sacrificing complete (row-wise) multivariate information. Probably it uses the same trick as mxDataWLS(), but directly to compute model-specific ML values instead of an intermediate statistic (covariance matrix). In our case, the models would 'ask' from data much less than an estimate for each and every covariance entry, and therefore a one-step approach to estimation ought to be much more efficient than a two-step approach. Could I somehow use WLS-like raw data computation instead of the pre-computed pairwise covariance matrix?
Replied on Fri, 04/06/2018 - 10:43
Picture of user. AdminNeale Joined: 03/01/2013

In reply to by Tom Rosenstrom

Apologies for lengthy post. The polychoricMatrix function below does FIML for all variables jointly. It is going to be SLOW with more than say 10 variables at a time. The pairwise approach overcomes the curse of dimensionality, but has other issues of course. There is also a polypairwise function that puts the variables in two-by-two (polyNoah if you will :)). And finally a polytriowise which does it by 3's - so that one might be able to construct a full weight matrix.

# Copyright 2007-2009 The OpenMx Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# Define function for computing polychoric/polyserial/pearson correlations
polychoricMatrix <- function(data, useDeviations=TRUE, run=TRUE) {
nvar <- dim(data)[[2]]
ncontinuous <- 0
nordinal <- 0
nthresh <- vector(mode="integer",nvar)
isord <- vector(mode="logical",nvar)
nameList <- names(data)
ordnameList <- vector(mode="character",nvar)
contnameList <- vector(mode="character",nvar)

# Figure out which variables are ordinal factors
correlationLabels <- matrix(NA,nrow=nvar,ncol=nvar)
for (i in 1:nvar)
if (is.factor(data[,i]))
nordinal <- nordinal + 1
nthresh[nordinal] <- length(table(data[,i]))-1
# print(nthresh)
# I think we can avoid this
# data[,i] <- mxFactor(data[,i], c(0:nthresh[i]))
ordnameList[nordinal] <- nameList[i]
isord[i] <- TRUE
ncontinuous <- ncontinuous + 1
nthresh[i] <- 0
contnameList[ncontinuous] <- nameList[i]
isord[i] <- FALSE
# Label correlation parameters
for (k in 1:nvar)
if (i > k) {
correlationLabels[i,k] <- paste("r",i,k)
correlationLabels[k,i] <- paste("r",i,k)
if (nordinal>0) {ordnameList<-ordnameList[1:nordinal]} else {ordnameList <- NULL}
if (ncontinuous>0) {contnameList<-contnameList[1:ncontinuous]} else {contnameList <- NULL}

# Find largest number of thresholds of all the ordinal variables
maxnthresh <- max(nthresh)

# Populate matrix with threshold deviations, starting threshold 1 at -1 and putting maximum at +1
# for efficiency, we could take a better guess to start with
minthresh <- -.5
maxthresh <- .5

# Construct either threshold deviation matrix or threshold direct estimate matrix - as long as there's at least one ordinal variable
if (nordinal > 0)
if (useDeviations)
thresholdDeviationValues <- matrix(0,nrow=maxnthresh, ncol=nordinal)
thresholdDeviationValues[1,] <- minthresh
thresholdDeviationLbounds <- matrix(nrow=maxnthresh, ncol=nordinal)
thresholdDeviationLabels <- matrix(nrow=maxnthresh, ncol=nordinal)
thresholdDeviationLabels[1,] <- paste("ThresholdDeviation ", 1, 1:nordinal)
thresholdDeviationFree <- matrix(F,nrow=maxnthresh, ncol=nordinal)
thresholdDeviationFree[1,] <- TRUE
iordvar <- 0
for (i in 1:nvar)
if (isord[i])
iordvar <- iordvar + 1
for (j in 2:nthresh[iordvar])
thresholdDeviationValues[j,iordvar] <- (maxthresh - minthresh) / nthresh[iordvar]
thresholdDeviationLbounds[j,iordvar] <- .001
thresholdDeviationLabels[j,iordvar] <- paste("ThresholdDeviation ", j, iordvar)
thresholdDeviationFree[j,iordvar] <- TRUE
thresholdDirectEstimatesValues <- matrix(0,nrow=maxnthresh, ncol=nordinal)
thresholdDirectEstimatesLbounds <- matrix(-Inf,nrow=maxnthresh, ncol=nordinal)
thresholdDirectEstimatesLabels <- matrix(nrow=maxnthresh, ncol=nordinal)
thresholdDirectEstimatesFree <- matrix(F,nrow=maxnthresh, ncol=nordinal)
thresholdDirectEstimatesValues[1,] <- minthresh
thresholdDirectEstimatesLabels[1,] <- paste("ThresholdDirectEstimates ", 1, 1:nordinal)
thresholdDirectEstimatesFree[1,] <- TRUE
iordvar <- 0
for (i in 1:nvar)
if (isord[i])
iordvar <- iordvar + 1
for (j in 2:nthresh[iordvar])
thresholdDirectEstimatesValues[j,iordvar] <- minthresh + (j-1) * ((maxthresh - minthresh) / nthresh[iordvar])
thresholdDirectEstimatesLabels[j,iordvar] <- paste("ThresholdDirectEstimate ", j, iordvar)
thresholdDirectEstimatesFree[j,iordvar] <- TRUE
nameList <- names(data)
tnames <- paste("Threshold",1:maxnthresh,sep='')

# Define the model
model <- mxModel('model')
model <- mxModel(model, mxMatrix("Stand", name = "R", nrow = nvar, ncol = nvar, free=TRUE, labels=correlationLabels, lbound=-.999999999, ubound=.999999999, dimnames=list(nameList, nameList)))
model <- mxModel(model, mxMatrix("Full", name = "M", nrow = 1, ncol = nvar, free=!isord, dimnames = list('Mean', nameList)))
model <- mxModel(model, mxMatrix("Diag", name = "StdDev", nrow = nvar, ncol = nvar, free=!isord, values=1, lbound=.01, dimnames=list(nameList, nameList)))
model$expCov <- mxAlgebra(StdDev %&% R, dimnames=list(nameList,nameList))

# Algebra to compute Threshold matrix
if (nordinal > 0)
if (useDeviations)
# For Multiplication
model <- mxModel(model, mxMatrix("Lower", name="UnitLower", nrow = maxnthresh, ncol = maxnthresh, free=F, values=1))
# Threshold differences:
model <- mxModel(model, mxMatrix("Full", name="thresholdDeviations", nrow = maxnthresh, ncol = nordinal, free=thresholdDeviationFree, values=thresholdDeviationValues, lbound=thresholdDeviationLbounds, labels = thresholdDeviationLabels))
model <- mxModel(model, mxAlgebra(UnitLower %*% thresholdDeviations, dimnames=list(tnames,ordnameList), name="thresholds"))
model <- mxModel(model, mxMatrix("Full", name="thresholds", ncol = nordinal, nrow = maxnthresh, free=thresholdDirectEstimatesFree, values=thresholdDirectEstimatesValues, lbound=thresholdDirectEstimatesLbounds, labels = thresholdDirectEstimatesLabels))

# Define the objective function
if (nordinal > 0)
objective <- mxExpectationNormal(covariance="expCov", means="M", thresholds="thresholds", threshnames=ordnameList)
objective <- mmxExpectationNormal(covariance="expCov", means="M")

# Set up the raw data as an mxData object for analysis
dataMatrix <- mxData(data, type='raw')

# Add the objective function and the data to the model
model <- mxModel(model, objective, mxFitFunctionML(), dataMatrix)

# Run the job
model <- mxRun(model, unsafe=T)

# Populate seMatrix for return
seMatrix <- matrix(NA,nvar,nvar)
for (i in 1:nvar){
for (j in i:nvar){
if(i != j) {
k <- k+1
seMatrix[i,j] <- model$output$standardErrors[k]
seMatrix[j,i] <- model$output$standardErrors[k]
# Add dimnames to thresholds, which oddly are not in model$thresholds' output
if(nordinal > 0)
thresholds <- matrix(model$output$algebras$model.thresholds, nrow=maxnthresh, ncol=nordinal, dimnames=list(tnames,ordnameList))
thresholds <- matrix(model$output$matrices$model.thresholds, nrow=maxnthresh, ncol=nordinal, dimnames=list(tnames,ordnameList))
thresholds <- NULL
# Not running so just create dummy objects for return
seMatrix <- matrix(NA,nvar,nvar)
thresholds <- NULL
# Return results
return(list(polychorics=model$expCov$result, thresholds=thresholds, polychoricStandardErrors=seMatrix, Minus2LogLikelihood=model$output$Minus2LogLikelihood, Hessian=model$output$calculatedHessian, estHessian=model$output$estimatedHessian, estimatedModel=model))

# Pairwise wrapper function
polypairwise <- function (data, useDeviations=TRUE, printFit=FALSE, use="any") {
nvar <- dim(data)[[2]]
ncor <- nvar*(nvar-1)/2
pairCorrelationMatrix <- matrix(diag(,nvar),nvar,nvar,dimnames=list(names(data),names(data)))
pairErrorMatrix <- matrix(diag(,nvar),nvar,nvar,dimnames=list(names(data),names(data)))
pairErrors <- matrix(0,ncor,1)
pairCount <- 0
namelist <- NULL
for (var1 in 1:(nvar-1)) {
for (var2 in (var1+1):(nvar)) {
pairCount <- pairCount + 1
if (use=="complete.obs")
tempData <- data[complete.cases(data[,c(var1,var2)]),c(var1,var2)]
tempData <- data[,c(var1,var2)]
tempResult <- polychoricMatrix(tempData, useDeviations)
pairCorrelationMatrix[var1,var2] <- tempResult$polychorics[2,1]
pairCorrelationMatrix[var2,var1] <- pairCorrelationMatrix[var1,var2]
pairErrors[pairCount] <- tempResult$polychoricStandardErrors[2,1]
pairErrorMatrix[var1,var2] <- tempResult$polychoricStandardErrors[2,1]
pairErrorMatrix[var2,var1] <- pairErrorMatrix[var1,var2]
namelist <- c(namelist,paste(names(data[var1]),names(data[var2]),sep="-"))
# If the variables are both ordinal, figure out -2lnL for all proportions
if (is.factor(data[,var1]) && is.factor(data[,var2]))
tabmatrix <- as.matrix(table(data[,c(var1,var2)],useNA='no'))
proportions <- tabmatrix/sum(tabmatrix)
logliks <- (log(proportions)*tabmatrix)
cat(paste("\n -2 times saturated log-likelihood", minus2SatLogLik <- -2*sum(logliks[!])))
sumres <- summary(tempResult$estimatedModel)
cat(paste("\n -2 times fitted log-likelihood", sumres$Minus2LogLikelihood))
cat(paste("\n Difference in -2lnL units", diffchi <- sumres$Minus2LogLikelihood - minus2SatLogLik))
cat(paste("\n Number of parameters of fitted model",sumres$estimatedParameters))
cat(paste("\n Number of cells of contingency table =",nCells <- length(table(data[,c(var1,var2)]))))
cat(paste("\n Effective number of degrees of freedom", (df <- nCells-sumres$estimatedParameters-1)))
cat(paste("\n p-value", pval <- ifelse(df<1,NA,pchisq(diffchi, df, lower.tail=F))))
cat(paste("\n N = ", sum(tabmatrix)))
dimnames(pairErrors) <- list(namelist,"est(SE)")

# Pairwise wrapper function
polytriowise <- function (data, useDeviations=TRUE, printFit=FALSE, use="any") {
nvar <- dim(data)[[2]]
if(nvar < 3) stop("Must have at least three variables for trio-wise polychorics")
ncor <- nvar*(nvar-1)/2
pairCorrelationMatrix <- matrix(NA,nvar,nvar,dimnames=list(names(data),names(data)))
diag(pairCorrelationMatrix) <- 1
pairErrorMatrix <- matrix(diag(,nvar),nvar,nvar,dimnames=list(names(data),names(data)))
pairErrors <- matrix(0,ncor,1)
pairCount <- 0
namelist <- NULL
for (var1 in 1:(nvar2-1)) {
for (var2 in (var1+1):(nvar2)) {
pairCount <- pairCount + 1
if (use=="complete.obs")
tempData <- cbind(mustHaveData,data[complete.cases(data[,c(var1,var2)]),c(var1,var2)])
tempData <- cbind(mustHaveData,data[,c(var1,var2)])
tempResult <- polychoricMatrix(tempData, useDeviations)
pairCorrelationMatrix[var1,var2] <- tempResult$polychorics[2,1]
pairCorrelationMatrix[var2,var1] <- pairCorrelationMatrix[var1,var2]
pairErrors[pairCount] <- tempResult$polychoricStandardErrors[2,1]
pairErrorMatrix[var1,var2] <- tempResult$polychoricStandardErrors[2,1]
pairErrorMatrix[var2,var1] <- pairErrorMatrix[var1,var2]
namelist <- c(namelist,paste(names(data[var1]),names(data[var2]),sep="-"))
# If the variables are both ordinal, figure out -2lnL for all proportions
if (is.factor(data[,var1]) && is.factor(data[,var2]))
tabmatrix <- as.matrix(table(data[,c(var1,var2)],useNA='no'))
proportions <- tabmatrix/sum(tabmatrix)
logliks <- (log(proportions)*tabmatrix)
cat(paste("\n -2 times saturated log-likelihood", minus2SatLogLik <- -2*sum(logliks[!])))
sumres <- summary(tempResult$estimatedModel)
cat(paste("\n -2 times fitted log-likelihood", sumres$Minus2LogLikelihood))
cat(paste("\n Difference in -2lnL units", diffchi <- sumres$Minus2LogLikelihood - minus2SatLogLik))
cat(paste("\n Number of parameters of fitted model",sumres$estimatedParameters))
cat(paste("\n Number of cells of contingency table =",nCells <- length(table(data[,c(var1,var2)]))))
cat(paste("\n Effective number of degrees of freedom", (df <- nCells-sumres$estimatedParameters-1)))
cat(paste("\n p-value", pchisq(diffchi, df, lower.tail=F)))
cat(paste("\n N = ", sum(tabmatrix)))
# dimnames(pairErrors) <- list(namelist,"est(SE)")

Replied on Wed, 04/11/2018 - 17:20
No user picture. Tom Rosenstrom Joined: 03/01/2018

Many thanks for the functions. I'll see what I can make out of these later. Looking at the code, it seems to me that this approach is able to provide a pairwise ML estimate for correlations but not for arbitrary SEM models. For the latter, I assume one needs to modify the objective function that is optimized. For example, PML allows that data on all the pairs contribute to a given estimable parameter during model estimation, but data (and the involved integrals for likelihood) on "trios" and higher multidimensional distributions wouldn't.