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detect if model has not been run in mxStandardizeRAMpaths() and offer solution

mxStandardizeRAMpaths(unRunModel, TRUE) gives a warning about the hessian instead of a warning that the model has not been run.

manifests <- names(demoOneFactor)
latents <- c("G")
factorModel <- mxModel("One Factor", type="RAM",
    manifestVars = manifests,
    latentVars = latents,
    mxPath(from=latents, to=manifests),
    mxPath(from=manifests, arrows=2),
    mxPath(from=latents, arrows=2, free=FALSE, values=1.0),
    mxData(cov(demoOneFactor), type="cov", numObs=500)
> mxStandardizeRAMpaths(factorModel,T)
Loading required package: numDeriv
               name label matrix row col Raw.Value        Raw.SE Std.Value        Std.SE
1 One Factor.S[6,6]  <NA>      S   G   G         1 not requested         1 not requested
Warning message:
In mxStandardizeRAMpaths(factorModel, T) :
  argument 'SE=TRUE' requires model to have a nonempty 'hessian' output slot; continuing with 'SE' coerced to ‘FALSE’

The user might try things like mxOption(factorModel, key="Calculate Hessian"), instead of running the model.


obj_as_str<- function(x) {
if (model@.wasRun == FALSE){
stop("Nothing to standardize util you run the model: \n",
paste0(obj_as_str(model), '_run') , " <- mxRun(", obj_as_str(model), ")\n
mxStandardizeRAMpaths(", paste0(obj_as_str(model), "_run"), ", SE=TRUE)")
Tue, 10/21/2014 - 06:28
Tue, 10/21/2014 - 18:06


OK. Fair enough. I'll go one step further: there are at least three reasons why the hessian slot would be empty, so I'll add warnings that diagnose why it is, in fact, empty, if the reason can be discerned.

OK, revision 3931 changes the warning message to say that the model hasn't been run if that's the reason why the hessian slot is empty. I didn't add checks for other possible reasons for an empty hessian slot, though. I'd say this issue can be closed.

great: thanks Rob!

Loading required package: numDeriv
               name label matrix row col Raw.Value        Raw.SE Std.Value        Std.SE
1 One Factor.S[6,6]  <NA>      S   G   G         1 not requested         1 not requested
Warning message:
In mxStandardizeRAMpaths(factorModel, T) :
  standard errors will not be computed because model 'One Factor' has not yet been run