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Standard Errors reported as NA for identified model when N=5000 but not N=500 nor N=50

In many different, complicated, models, I have found Standard Errors to return as NA. Here is a simple example! Changing N to something smaller yields sensible-looking SE's. With 5000, where the SE's should be small but not minuscule (this is ordinal data) we get a lot of NA's.

free parameters:
                                      name              matrix row     col   Estimate  Std.Error lbound ubound
1                    thresholdModel.L[1,1]                   L   1       1  0.6910161         NA  -0.99   0.99
2                    thresholdModel.L[2,1]                   L   2       1  0.7280372 0.01354229  -0.99   0.99
3                    thresholdModel.L[3,1]                   L   3       1  0.6919454         NA  -0.99   0.99
4  thresholdModel.thresholdDeviations[1,1] thresholdDeviations   1 banana1 -0.6766820         NA   -Inf       
5  thresholdModel.thresholdDeviations[2,1] thresholdDeviations   2 banana1  0.6919464 0.01488096   0.01       
6  thresholdModel.thresholdDeviations[3,1] thresholdDeviations   3 banana1  0.6686823 0.01630470   0.01       
7  thresholdModel.thresholdDeviations[1,2] thresholdDeviations   1 banana2 -0.6241117 0.01629688   -Inf       
8  thresholdModel.thresholdDeviations[2,2] thresholdDeviations   2 banana2  0.6395418 0.01358104   0.01       
9  thresholdModel.thresholdDeviations[3,2] thresholdDeviations   3 banana2  0.6427120 0.01574627   0.01       
10 thresholdModel.thresholdDeviations[1,3] thresholdDeviations   1 banana3 -0.6534246         NA   -Inf       
11 thresholdModel.thresholdDeviations[2,3] thresholdDeviations   2 banana3  0.6685782         NA   0.01       
12 thresholdModel.thresholdDeviations[3,3] thresholdDeviations   3 banana3  0.6632309 0.01444722   0.01       
observed statistics:  15000 
estimated parameters:  12 
degrees of freedom:  14988 
-2 log likelihood:  39035.51 
number of observations:  5000 
Information Criteria: 
     df Penalty Parameters Penalty Sample-Size Adjusted
AIC:   9059.509           39059.51                   NA
BIC: -88620.183           39137.72             39099.58
timestamp: 2014-07-27 14:20:36 
wall clock time: 0.254709 secs 
OpenMx version number: 
Binary Data thresholdModel1Factor3Variate.R2.48 KB
Sun, 07/27/2014 - 15:26
Mon, 07/28/2014 - 20:04


NPSOL does not reach the MLE of 39034.359 for a sample size of 5000. Try CSOLNP. It works better.

So it does! This is perhaps a use case where fine-tuning the step size as NPSOL does automatically is counterproductive. The following syntax

> summary(thresholdModelrun2 <- mxRun(thresholdModelrun))

with NPSOL gets to the ML solution, and the SE's agree with those post-CSOLNP. This raises the question as to what should be recommended to the user when Standard Errors come back as NA. It should probably go in the FAQ, but I would say a message to the effect of:

"Some standard errors are reported as NA. This may be because the model is not identified, or because optimization has not finished successfully. To check optimization completion, try:

summary(refittedModel <- mxRun(fittedModelFromPriorRun))
  • If we could capture what fittedModelFromPriorRun should actually be and substitute it in the error message, so much the better.

Good idea!
NAs in the SE column are a nice warning sign, but users often think OpenMx or their code is broken… when neither may be the case.

Be good to get something like this to run as a note at the end of mxSummary() (perhaps after mxRun also?)

    message("Some standard errors are reported as NA.\n",
    "This may be because optimization has not finished successfully.\n",
    "To check optimization completion, re-run the model:\n",
    deparse(substitute(model)), " <- mxRun(", deparse(substitute(model)), ")\n",
    "(note: it is also possible that model ", deparse(substitute(model)), " is not identified)")