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Confidence intervals do not agree with estimates! Should not happen

free parameters:
    name      matrix  row  col   Estimate  Std.Error lbound ubound
1    b11        MZ.b    1    1  2.7536823 0.69611278             
2   m1MZ   MZ.meanMZ    1    1 20.6886950 0.16960595             
3   m2MZ   MZ.meanMZ    1    2 20.6934722 0.16988419             
4   v1MZ MZ.expCovMZ bmi1 bmi1  0.7213571 0.04326283  1e-04      
5  c21MZ MZ.expCovMZ bmi1 bmi2  0.5840681 0.04034537      0      
6   v2MZ MZ.expCovMZ bmi2 bmi2  0.7842634 0.04713233  1e-04      
7   m1DZ   DZ.meanDZ    1    1 20.7833538 0.17188984             
8   m2DZ   DZ.meanDZ    1    2 20.8080580 0.17250024             
9   v1DZ DZ.expCovDZ bmi1 bmi1  0.7281360 0.05594797  1e-04      
10 c21DZ DZ.expCovDZ bmi1 bmi2  0.2414624 0.04378431      0      
11  v2DZ DZ.expCovDZ bmi2 bmi2  0.8030416 0.06183095  1e-04      
confidence intervals:
                      lbound   estimate     ubound
MZ.expCovMZ[1,1]   0.6427435  0.7213571  0.8133005
MZ.expCovMZ[1,2]   0.5105505  0.5840681  0.6696089
MZ.expCovMZ[2,1]   0.5105505  0.5840681  0.6696089
MZ.expCovMZ[2,2]   0.6986221  0.7842634  0.8844486
DZ.expCovDZ[1,1]   0.6285763  0.7281360  0.8499117
DZ.expCovDZ[1,2]   0.1596200  0.2414624  0.3333679
DZ.expCovDZ[2,1]   0.1596200  0.2414624  0.3333679
DZ.expCovDZ[2,2]   0.6930290  0.8030416  0.9376731
MZ.expMeanMZ[1,1] 21.4045930 21.1568210 21.6250361
MZ.expMeanMZ[1,2] 21.4073401 21.1615982 21.6318426
DZ.expMeanDZ[1,1] 21.4846632 21.2514798 21.7341197
DZ.expMeanDZ[1,2] 21.5058433 21.2761840 21.7623907

Why are the means different in the two sections?

Binary Data twins_80columns.R13.91 KB
Tue, 03/04/2014 - 14:45
Tue, 05/06/2014 - 18:53


The confidence intervals agree fine. There's a matrix meanMZ and an algebra expMeanMz.

#        [,1]     [,2]
#[1,] 20.6887 20.69348
#        [,1]     [,2]
#[1,] 21.5148 21.51958
#mxAlgebra 'expMeanMZ' 
#$formula:  meanMZ + cbind(b %*% Age, b %*% Age) 
#        [,1]     [,2]
#[1,] 21.5148 21.51958
#dimnames: NULL

The parameters in summary are from the matrix, but the confidence interval is on the algebra.

> mxEval(MZ.meanMZ, twinSatFit, compute=TRUE)
        [,1]     [,2]
[1,] 20.6887 20.69348
> mxEval(MZ.expMeanMZ, twinSatFit, compute=TRUE)
         [,1]    [,2]
[1,] 21.15682 21.1616

Doh! Thanks.

No bug to fix. This is done/closed.