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mxCi() intervals reported with label "reference"

requested mxCI(c('top.a','top.c','top.e',

and got the list below: the items called by label have correctly been found, but in the list, their label is replaced with "reference"

confidence intervals:
lbound ubound
top.a[1,1] 0.6699471 0.8406606
top.e[1,1] 0.5415295 0.7424001
reference 0.4503003 0.6257454
reference 0.3863921 0.5850890
reference 0.3298933 0.5113829
reference 0.2440511 0.3996489
reference 0.9123708 1.0518281
reference 0.9242789 1.0750657
reference 0.9420364 1.0848281

Mon, 05/24/2010 - 14:05
Mon, 07/05/2010 - 03:01


There were a few serious bugs hiding in the confidence interval codes, along with this cosmetic bug. I fixed them up, and the problem was serious enough to warrant another binary release. The 0.3.3 version should be working. If it is working, could you add your script into the /models/passing directory with some omxCheckCloseEnough() statements?

Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.