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Something funky with sudo make build install OS X after svn up to 956

At the end of svn up, which was working fine up to this point, I got:

** building package indices ...
packaged installation of ‘OpenMx’ as OpenMx_0.2.2-951_R_i386-apple-darwin8.11.1.tar.gz
* DONE (OpenMx)
rm -f build/OpenMx_0.2.2-951.tar.gz
cd build; gunzip *.gz;\
tar --delete --file=ls OpenMx/npsol;\
gzip *.tar
tar: .svn: Cannot open: Is a directory
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
cd build; R CMD INSTALL OpenMx_0.2.2-951.tar.gz
Warning: invalid package ‘OpenMx_0.2.2-951.tar.gz’
Error: ERROR: no packages specified
make: *** [install] Error 1

Wed, 11/04/2009 - 13:29
Wed, 01/13/2010 - 20:47


"make build" is now the command for creating an exportable binary of the OpenMx library for other people with the same machine platform as yours. "make install" installs a source copy of the OpenMx library on your machine. You probably want to run "make install", I guess "sudo make install" if you either don't have an R packages directory in $HOME, or you want other users in that machine to use the OpenMx library.

Mike, is "ls" on your machine aliased to "ls -a". That would account for the strange behavior you're seeing on make build. You can test this by running "ls" in the directory trunk/build and see if the entry ".svn" shows up (it should not). In any case, even if this is the case I bet you want to run "make install" instead of "make build", unless you're really trying to build a binary release. If you are trying to build a binary release on your machine, I guess run "make common-build" which is like "make build" except it doesn't attempt to remove unnecessary copies of npsol from the binary release.