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No user picture. mirusem Joined: 11/19/2018

mxTryHard attempts in umx

Is there a way to modify/control the amount of tries in the tryHard option for umx for any given function being called?

I appreciate it!

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No user picture. mirusem Joined: 11/19/2018

umxACEv vs umxSexLim

I was wondering, how similar or different is umxACEv as compared to umxSexLim (the closest of umxSexLim being the homogeneity choice)? Are they both using the direct variance approach (I know it says for umxSexLim it says it is based on a correlated factors model)? If they are in fact different in that sense, is there a tradeoff between them in that sense (correlated factors vs direct variance)? Definitely would be helpful to know!

Thanks as always!

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No user picture. a_researcher Joined: 06/11/2021

umxACEv - twin variance component


I was wondering if the umxACEv function allows the extension of the twin design to include the twin variance component, T? Thanks a lot!

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No user picture. noamm Joined: 10/10/2018

Not getting rA with umxACEv and a warning


I'm using umxACEv to check correlations between ACE components of 4 characteristics.
The model runs without a problem, and I get correlations for C and E components, but not for A, and I get the following warning:

Warning message:
In sqrt(I * A) : NaNs produced

I don't see something suspicious with the A std paths so I have no idea how to start finding out what might be the problem and would appreciate your help!

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No user picture. JErola Joined: 02/18/2021

umxACE, same/different sex twins


We are fitting twin ACE models (and hopefully later twin ACE Cholesky models) using Finnish register data with no information on twin's zygosity, relying on same/different sex identification approach. This seems to be pretty straightforward with OpenMX but we have not found a way to do it with umxACE. Presumably, this is something that could be achieved with umxModify by changing paths but we were not able figure out how and were not able to find any examples either. Any suggestions how to proceed?

Best, Jani

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No user picture. lior abramson Joined: 07/21/2017

Can umx asses a genetically-informative cross-lagged twin model?

I would like to assess a genetically-informative cross-lagged twin model (e.g., a model like in Burt et al., 2005- "How are parent-child conflict and childhood externalizing symptoms related over time? Results from a genetically informative cross-lagged study").

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No user picture. noamm Joined: 10/10/2018

umxACE with summary data

Hi all,

I'm trying to do something rather simple - a univariate ACE model (using umxACE) with summary data (either correlation or covariance), but until now I used only raw data. I saw in the documentation this possibility is supported by umxACE, however, I can't seem to make it work.

I've tried several options attached below (mzCorDF - the correlation as a data frame, mzCorMatrix - the correlation (or covariance) matrix of twin 1 and twin 2 of the trait.

What kind of input the function expects for it to understand it is summary data?

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No user picture. lf-araujo Joined: 11/25/2020

umxCP with two latent variables that loads in only part of the indicators

Hi Tim and Mike,

This is the first time I am playing with real data, and since I understand lavaans syntax better than openMx's I decided to start with umx.

I am trying to specify a CP model with two latents, but my measured indicators represents parenting style and personality (big5), 10 variables in total. See fig 1. I think they are better conceptualized as two latents that can correlate, but only loads in part of the variables, the five personality traits and the five parenting styles.

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No user picture. noamm Joined: 10/10/2018

umxGxEbiv with 2 moderators

Hi all,

I'm interested in the moderation effect of an interaction between two moderators on a phenotype of interest. umxGxEbiv is fantastic for one moderator, but does not accept two moderators, even though the Purcell model allows it. Is there a way to use umcGxEbiv with two moderators (and thus estimating their interaction effect as well)?


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No user picture. noamm Joined: 10/10/2018

Changing attributes of the plot in umxGxEbiv


Is there a way to control things in the appearance of the plot that comes with umxGxEbiv? Mainly I would like to change the legend size, line colours and maybe adding dots.
