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No user picture. Xin Lin Joined: 06/10/2019

Do we need to avoid a saturated model?

Dear Dr. Cheung,

I used Lavaan to specify my model. Do I need to declare the correlations among the mediator variables besides the correlations among the independent variables?
After adding all paths to the model, I got a perfect fit model, which will be of little use statistically.


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No user picture. Xin Lin Joined: 06/10/2019

Control Covariates in metaSEM

Hi all,

Can we control covariates (i.e., age, SES, problem type) in metaSEM? To be more specific, can I add them directly to the model like regression?

Thank you!

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No user picture. aexwtt Joined: 03/05/2020

Inquiry about handling missing data with moderators of more than three categories~

Dear Mike,

This is Wen-Ta from Department of Applied Foreign Languages, National Taiwan University of Science & Technology.

I am very interested in meta-analysis and now applying your metaSEM package to my research project.

May I possibly ask a question about handling missing data with moderators of more than tree categories:

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No user picture. GregoryVerleysen Joined: 02/26/2020

metaSEM questions

I am learning how to use metaSEM, but I am running into some issues.
Right now I only have 3 studies available to run the analysis (code with data is in attachment).

I am running into the following issues and was wondering if these would be caused by having only 3 studies
or am I doing something wrong here?

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No user picture. ucjtcio Joined: 01/31/2020


I've been using the rerun() function with the autofixtau2 argument, which is leading our models to converge. While I appreciate that it may be choosing suitable starting values for estimated parameters, I’m not entirely sure how the models have converged ( low number of studies and small N). In an effort to ‘fix’ tau2 could it end up running a fixed effects model? Are there conditions where autofixtau2 should/should not be used and how it should be interpreted?

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No user picture. Robert Balazsi Joined: 10/24/2019

Many missing correlations

Dear Mike,
I am currently working on a metaSEM study. I've got some error, even I tried to use different methods (see below!). I also asked for a pattern of NA. I would like to ask if, in your opinion, the error messages are related to missing correlations? I have 379 lines, but only 1 or 2 correlations for some variables. Is there a way to continue this study? Maybe dropping some variables?
All the best,

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No user picture. pascofearon Joined: 05/07/2013

mediation in OSMASEM

I was wondering whether you could point me to information about how to pass algebraic statements to OpenMx via the osmasem function so that I can test indirect effects – in tssem2 this is done easily, but it’s not so obvious with osmasem. The documentation for osmasem doesn't seem to go into detail about this. I suspect it could be done with the mxModel.args option, but as I don’t know my way around OpenMx all that well I had trouble figuring out how…


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No user picture. vildan Bağcı Joined: 12/04/2019

Complex data anaysis in REM doesn't result

Dear Mike & colleagues,
First of all, I am grateful for asking my question to this forum where gurus of meta-SEM are helping people like me.
I'm trying to make analysis in your metasem package. I have 41 studies and so 41 correlation matrices. and the correlation matrices consist of 20x20.
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No user picture. aqzhou Joined: 10/21/2019

OpenMx status1: 6

Hi All,

Thanks in advance for your help and time! It is much appreciated.

I have 11 datasets (15 variables: 3 latent/3 indicators each, 2 observed DVs, 4 control variables) and am interested in using TSSEM. However, I'm running into errors and am getting stuck at stage 1. I have uploaded my data, syntax, and output.