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No user picture. MelodyBing Joined: 02/02/2021
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No user picture. jhl12 Joined: 12/14/2020

metaFIML to handle missing covariates

Dear Dr. Cheung and forum pannels,

This is Jihyun, a doctoral student.

I have a question about (currently) two approaches to use FIML to handle missing covariates in meta-regression.

At first, I had adopted the code in Dr. Cheung's book (2015) using RAM formulation and recently also tried to use metaFIML after it was introduced. However, I noticed that the two approaches showed pretty big differences in the results (parameter estimates and standard error estimates).

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No user picture. Jasmeet Singh Joined: 12/08/2020

Confirmatory Factor Analysis


I am conducting a meta-analytic study to confirm the factorial structure of a scale using two-stage structural equation modelling.
The scale is having two subscales namely, burnout (BO) and secondary traumatic stress (STS), which load on a latent factor called "Compassion Fatigue". I want to confirm its factorial structure by meta-analysing the correlation coefficients across nine studies identified in the literature. The code I have written works fine for the first stage (TSSEM1) but it is showing an error for the second stage (TSSEM2).

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Picture of user. KevinMKorous Joined: 12/01/2020

Diagnosing Optimization Issues


What approaches can be taken to diagnose issues related to optimization (i.e., when OpenMX status1 is not 0 or 1 even after using the rerun() function)? I have reviewed the status codes in the OpenMX documentation and I have tried mxCheckIdentification. I have also increased extraTries and I have played around with starting values for slope coefficients. However, I am running into issues and I am not sure why so I would like to see how I can diagnose what is going on.

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No user picture. pascofearon Joined: 05/07/2013

bootstrapping indirect effects

Hi Mike,
Hope you're well. I was just wondering whether there's a simple way to bootstrap the indirect effect in metasem (tssem2 or osmasem).


Best wishes,


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No user picture. Max.Escaffi Joined: 09/10/2019

Imputing correlations in metasem?

Dear all!

I have another question and I was wondering if you could enlighten me.

I want to run an analysis that has 2 independent variables, 3 mediators, and 1 outcome variable.

One of the issues that I am having is that, because of my inclusion criteria, I do not have studies that included correlations between two mediators. This means, that I cannot estimate the pooled correlation matrix hence it is impossible to run the full model.

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No user picture. hannow Joined: 10/21/2020

Missing values for impliedR() and few studies to pool

Hello everyone,

I am currently conducting TSSEM using correlation matrices from primary mediation studies. I ran into some problems during the process and hoped that someone could help me.

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No user picture. Max.Escaffi Joined: 09/10/2019

Differences between metafor and tssem1?

Hi all!
I hope everyone is well.

I was hoping someone could help me with an issue I am having. I am running a model, but first I wanted to explore the correlation matrix as you would normally do. For this, I created the correlation matrix using the metafor package. After this, I run the model using the metaSEM package, and when I checked the tssem1 results, I realised that the correlation results were very different in magnitude (significance levels did not vary).

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No user picture. ksyoung Joined: 10/06/2020

Implementing ImpliedR in TSSEM

Hello, I was hoping someone might be able to help with use of the impliedR function in the context of a TSSEM model. I am conducting a 2-stage SEM following the Cheung guide here:

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Picture of user. VipinSaini Joined: 12/24/2019

GFI Interpretation using TSSEM

Dear Mike and Colleagues,

I have conducted a mediating effect MASEM using the random-effect model of TSSEM, and what is surprising me is that R2 is coming 78% and RMSEA is 0.0755 but I am not able to understand how to interpret rest of the indices (SRMR, TLI, CFI) which are going out of range.