General SEM Discussions
How can I use SEM to predict variable scores
If I know four of the five variables, can I use the model to predict the 5th variable? How can I do this?
Problems with model fit
2: In eval(expr, envir, enclos) :
Could not compute QR decomposition of Hessian.
Optimization probably did not converge.
> model.dhp <- specifyModel ()
1: EA_response -> EA_survival,NA,1
2: EA_response -> EA_progeny,gam12
3: EA_response -> EA_progeny_wet_mass,gam13
4: EA_response -> EA_progeny_dry_mass,gam14
5: FC_response -> FC_survival,NA,1
6: FC_response -> FC_progeny,gam22
7: BA_response -> Ba_emergence,NA,1
8: BA_response -> Ba_shoot_length,gam32
9: BA_response -> Ba_root_length,gam33
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Factor analysis with weights
The code is below and the data set is in the attachment. I don't know if the weights are calculated with the data in the analysis.
dsetA <- read.table("dsetA.txt",sep="")
# Possible values of the weighting variable
valm <- seq(21,40,by=1/10)
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random variance parameters, or approximations of such?
"Observed" correlation matrix with missing data--is it computed?
It returns the raw dataset (with missing values still missing).
Any ideas?
AIC/BIC is NA, but other FIs are computed
I've run a model and am a bit puzzled that it won't give me the information criteria (AIC and BIC). Everything else is computed, including chi, k, and df, which are the sufficient statistics. Am I missing something? I've included a screenshot. It seems the AIC should be
1557.625 + ncol(d)*(ncol(d)-1)-2*453 = 1707.625,
where ncol(d) = 33
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ML analysis
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Latent Variable Indicators
Thanks for any help
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Convergence problems
Automatically computing residual variances for a specified RAM matrix
#### create a RAM model for testing
RAM = data.frame(matrix(c(
"F1", "A1", 1, .4,
"F1", "A2", 1, .4,
"F1", "A3", 1, .4,
"F2", "A4", 1, .4,
"F2", "A5", 1, .4,
"F2", "A6", 1, .4,
"F3", "A7", 1, .4,
"F3", "A8", 1, .4,
"F3", "A9", 1, .4,
"A10", "A9", 2, .5), ncol=4, byrow=T
names(RAM) = c("From", "To", "Arrows", "Values")
observed = c("A1", "A2", "A3", "A4", "A5", "A6", "A7", "A8", "A9", "A10")
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