Proband ascertainment

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No user picture. Lisa Joined: 06/07/2013
Dear all

I have a twin dataset with proband ascertainment (i.e. at least one proband in each pair is affected). I cant seem to figure out how in incorporate this in my ACE model - can anyone help? I have found several examples involving ACE models in twin data (for example however none of these speak of how to take proband ascertainment into account.

I have read that i read to include ascertainment probabilities, i.e. 0 for the healthy-healthy pairs (the ones i dont have), 1 for the concordant pairs and a free parameter between 0 and 1 for the disconcordant pairs. Does anyone know where to add this in the code and how??

I have read the manual on openmx and it didnt give me an answer..

Best wishes

Replied on Fri, 06/07/2013 - 04:50
Picture of user. Fruhling Joined: 06/09/2010

Dear Lisa,

There isn't a simple way in OpenMx (as far as I know) to deal with ascertained samples especially when you go beyond a simple Univariate model. In general one would have to specify a user-defined fit function that corrects for the ascertainment. This could either be -2* the log likelihood of the data or a chi-sq test i.e. [sigma(O-E)2/E] , where O are the observed cell proportions and E the expected proportions which are worked out with the function omxMnor e.g.

mxAlgebra(expression=omxMnor(expCovDZ, expMean, cbind(-Inf,-Inf), cbind(T,T)), name="bothBelowDZ")

Best if you mail me your specific details to see if I can help you to write a script by adapting one of mine. You can contact me at: