Behavioral Genetics Models

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No user picture. inooradd Joined: 03/11/2020

Comparing ACE and ADE models


I have a couple of questions regarding comparing ACE and ADE models.

1. Is there a quick method of comparing the fit of both of these models? As of right now I am running the scripts for each model, then comparing the two models using mxcompare:

mxCompare( fitADENOTW , fitACENOTW ) %>

I know typically when we compare nested, we run something to the effect of...

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No user picture. Benny Joined: 05/15/2020
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No user picture. Leo Joined: 01/09/2020

Bivariate Cholesky model with one continuous and ordinal variable

I'm new to OpenMx and I'm trying to understand the Boulder workshop scripts.

Particularly, I am trying to fit a model with one continuous and one ordinal variable. I have found this script but it is modeling only two ordinal variables:

Is there a shortcut to only apply the threshold to one variable?

Thanks in advance.

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No user picture. JuanJMV Joined: 07/20/2016

Interpret >1 and negative results from variance parametrisation of twin model

Hi All,

I am using the new parametrization for a bivariate model, as suggested in "Type I Error Rates and Parameter Bias in Multivariate Behavioral Genetic Models".

The results (see below) include an rA correlation that is higher than one.

Am I doing something wrong or I have to interpret the rA correlation as 1?

The phenotypic correlation is .2. Is it be correct to say that is due to 1, -.96 and .2 for A, D and E respectively?

There are also negative values: there is no way to interpret these results, right?

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No user picture. twolf Joined: 04/24/2020

Should I ever need lower bounds in a twin model?


I am currently starting to familiarize myself with different variations of the ACE-model as well as nuclear twin family designs in OpenMx and although coming from econometrics I dreaded working with SEMs so far I find the ride quite exhilarating.

While trying to reproduce certain results from the literature to broaden my understanding I sometimes encounter a strange behavior where I obtain a parameter estimate which is quite close to what I would expect with the only issue being that it is actually negative.

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No user picture. lior abramson Joined: 07/21/2017

negative path estimate in UMX cholesky

Dear forum,
I conducted a Cholesky model with two variables in two time-points, using the uxACE command, and then conducted a model fitting procedure with the umxModify command. The model was an ADE model.
The results I got (a screenshot is attached) make perfect sense in terms of the overall explained variance by genetics. Meaning, if I compute the variance explained by both A and D for each variable (after squaring each path), I get the same amount of explained genetic variance as in the univariate models for each variable.

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No user picture. benruk Joined: 12/09/2019

Covariate Effect in Liability Threshold Model


I want to write a script for a GxE-interaction with an ordinal outcome and a continuous moderator and was looking for some scripts that include a covariate effect on an ordinal outcome variable.

In this search I found a [script]( by Hermine Maes where she models the effect of the covariate (age) on the mean of the liability distribution of the outcome variable.

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No user picture. MIRELA Joined: 04/03/2020

Biometrical model fitting

My question concerns choosing the best fitting model. Given the twin correlations in a given phenotype (rMZ = 0.50, rDZ = 0.34), it seems that the model to be tested should be the ACEmodel (because rMZ < 2rDZ).

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No user picture. szellers Joined: 04/04/2018

Cohort Covariate and ACE Estimates

Hi all,

I've been playing around with various ways to include a cohort covariate in a single-factor model. I've tried four approaches, three of which have pretty consistent results and the fourth, which is fairly different. I've attached the four scripts here, as well as a table of selected output (ACE estimates with CIs, factor loadings, and expected means for observed variables).

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No user picture. lior abramson Joined: 07/21/2017

best way to (systematically) fit an ADE model

Dear Forum,
I am trying to fit a longitudinal Cholesky model (two variables in two time-points) with the umxACE and umxModify commands from the umx package.