Behavioral Genetics Models

Moderation doubt
I am trying to test if there is a difference in one variable (quantitative) due to another variable (binary but different for each twin).
These variables are related and I want to test if there are different “subtypes” of that disorder (quantitative variable) depending on the value of the other variable (binary variable).
I was thinking to do a moderation analysis (as Rob suggested me in a previous post) as follows:
1-Quantitate variable
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Equality constraints in saturated model
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Diagnostics for Confidence Intervals
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Common and independent models
I am trying to fit a trivariate model with 3 continuous variables. I am also trying to fit the independent and common pathways models but I do not know if my script is correct.
My models have:
ADE: 27 parameters
Independent pathway model: 27 parameters
Common pathway model: 24 parameters
I think that number of parameters is correct but I am not sure. Also, I have negative values (for example dl_1_1, fl_2_1) and I do not know if it is correct.
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Bivariate model with binary and continuous variable
I am new to bivariate models and I have tried to adapt the twoACEj.R script by Hermine Maes from an ordinal to a binary variable in the below script. The script runs without errors, but my first question is whether my adaptations are correct?

phenotypic correlation
I am a little bit confused about how to calculate the phenotypic correlation between variable 1 and variable 2, in a bivariate model with one binary variable and one continuous variable.
I mean if I use this: mxEval(cov2cor(V), fitADE, T). I get a value of 0.200 whereas if I calculate the correlation in SPSS (also in R) I get a value of 0.150.
I do not know if I am doing something wrong. Should the results be the same right?
I have tried with different methods, with and without covariables etc… But I get the same value.
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System is exactly singular
I am running a trivariate Cholesky ADE model with one binary and two continuous variables. As profile-based confidence intervals took more than 24h to run and a lot of them were missing I decided to try bootstrapping. I ran mxBootstrap with 1000 replicates to get 95% CI and all looked fine except CI's for dominant genetic correlation rD. I get the following error:
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I am trying to do a univariate analysis with a binary variable. I am not sure how to treat siblings
I have created different groups MZ, DZ, SIB (which I think is the same as introduce SIB in the DZ group).
I have also checked if DZ and SIB can be equated through the saturated model and there are not significant differences when I equated means and variances between DZ and Sib
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Standardizing factor loadings
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Bootstrap CI's for algebras
Is it possible to get bootstrap confidence intervals for algebras? I am running a trivariate CHolesky decomposition model on binary variables and estimating CI's through mxCI takes more than 24h. When I ran mxBoostrap, I got CI's only for model parameters, but not for algebras. Is there a way to specify it? Or is there a way to reduce the time to running a model with intervals=T?
Thank you in advance!
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