Behavioral Genetics Models

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No user picture. diana Joined: 04/17/2019

GxE model for binary variable

Hello! I am trying to fit a GxE model. The phenotype is a binary variable, and the moderator is measured on a 6-point scale .

I want to use the code posted in [there](, but this code is suit for continuous variable and I don't know how to change it to be suit for binary variable. Could you tell me what lines I should change or add?

Because I'm pressed for time, I am sorry to directly ask for solution instead of learning by myself.

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No user picture. JuanJMV Joined: 07/20/2016

Multivariate ACE-ADE model


I am trying to fit a 5-variate model. But I am not sure about the best way to do it.

I have got these results from the univariate analyses

ADE 0.34 0.10 0.57
AE 0.42 * 0.58

ADE 0.26 0.16 0.58
AE 0.41 * 0.59

ACE 0.29 0.13 0.58
AE 0.45 * 0.55
CE * 0.33 0.67

ADE 0.23 0.17 0.59
AE 0.39 * 0.61

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No user picture. diana Joined: 04/17/2019

Why mxTryHardOrdinal()dosen't report start values?

Hi, everyone!
When i useSatFit <- mxTryHardOrdinal(SatModel, intervals=TRUE,extraTries = 15,finetuneGradient=FALSE,bestInitsOutput=TRUE) ,the result is Solution found! Final fit=22505.957 (started at 22819.562) (16 attempt(s): 16 valid, 0 errors). I don't know why it dosen't report start values from the best fit.

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No user picture. diana Joined: 04/17/2019

saturated univariate SEM model of a binary variable

Dear all,
I have some problems of fitting saturated univariate SEM model of a binary variable "whtr_g". I would appreciate it if anyone could help me.
1. I always get warning message when fitting saturated SEM model(see warning message.png), whether using SLSQP, NPSOL or CSOLNP optimizer. What’ more, the result of three optimizers are different. But I don’t know if there are errors in my code. Please help me to check it.
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No user picture. yaning Joined: 04/12/2019

How to calculate bivariate h2(or c2, e2) in bivaraite SEM model with two binary traits?

I have encountered several problems in doing bivariate SEM models, which is an important part of my graduation project.The main problems are as follows:
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No user picture. Qiuzhi Xie Joined: 12/27/2018

G*E interaction with a moderator

I am currently doing G*E interaction with SES as a moderator. The plot (attached here) suggests that SES likely moderates with the A factor. To analyze whether the moderation effect is significant on A factor, I drop the moderator on the Path A only and compare the model fit (diffLL). I find that the p value is insignificant. I want to ask whether this is the correct way to see the significance of moderator effect.

Also, is it appropriate to see the unstandardized variance components by SES moderation, rather than the standardized variance components?

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Picture of user. Julia Joined: 03/29/2012

Nonlinear transformation and estimates

Hi. I have a question about analysis of non-linear transformed variables. I have a continuous variable which is skewed (1.2). Box-Cox transformation suggested 1/y transformation. If I run ACE models (and saturated) on this new variables, how do I interpret and report the results? Is it common to report the estimates for the transformed variable? And is it possible to get the estimates for the original raw variable then?
Thank you in advance!
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No user picture. Qiuzhi Xie Joined: 12/27/2018

Question about Confidence Interval for Standardized path coefficients (multivariate model)

Hi everyone, I am new here and learning OpenMX. I have a problem of getting confidence interval for standardized path coefficients. Could anyone please provide me the OpenMx language about this? I also provide my scripts below and hope someone can let me know what the problem is (the script about 'ciACE <- mxCI("VC[1:5, 16:30]")' ) or how to read the output about standardized CI.

# Load Data
nl <- read.csv(file="C:/R/TwinPairACE.csv", header=TRUE, sep=",")

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Picture of user. chancey Joined: 09/09/2017

Fit tests for ACE models

Good morning,

I am running an ACE model for an ordered categorical outcome using script adapted from [Maes]( I seem to be able to generate most indicators of model fit, including AIC, BIC, -2LL and p-values associated with likelihood-ratio tests for nested models. However, I cannot seem to generate an associated chi-square value. Is there a simple way to generate chi-square value for these tests? Thanks,
