Behavioral Genetics Models

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No user picture. nsc_95 Joined: 07/28/2023

Trivariate Cholesky decomposition model


I have a script from SGDP summer school, I can analyze using 2 continuous variables with this script. However, when I try using 3 variables (2 continuous 1 dummy coded), I get stuck while setting up the matrix. Before starting the analysis, I standardized my variables so that the SDs were 1 and their mean was 0.

Part of my code is as follows:

nv <- 3 # number of variables for a twin
ntv <- 2*nv # number of variables for a pair

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No user picture. handeezgia Joined: 03/20/2023
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No user picture. handeezgia Joined: 03/20/2023
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No user picture. Benny Joined: 05/15/2020

NTFD without zygosity information

is it possible to estimate a NTFD without zygosity information? I know from other twin models that they can be adapted to this type of data. Is it also the case for the NTFD? If so, how would one adapt the script in OpenMx?
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No user picture. Zeynep_N Joined: 10/03/2019

Multivariate binary-continuous twin model


I am currently working on a multivariate correlated factors twin model with combined binary and continuous traits. I have six variables in total, the first two being binary data and the remaining four being continuous. I have been struggling for a while now in extracting meaningful output, specifically for the aetiological correlations. I receive genetic correlations with corresponding confidence interval lower bounds that are higher than the estimate itself (even though status is ok and model has converged).

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No user picture. Benny Joined: 05/15/2020

Twin Model Identification Matrix Algebra

I was reading the book by Neale and Maes (2004) and they have a nice part about how to check the identification of a univariate twin model using matrix algebra (p. 104).
It is possible to check the identification of the model by representing the expected (co-)variances as a system of equation in matrix algebra:
where x is the vector of parameters, b is the vector of observed statistics and A is the matrix containing the weights of elements in x.
In the univariate case (ACE model), x=(a^2,c^2,e^2).

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No user picture. szellers Joined: 04/04/2018

Causal Common Contingent Modeling Code Help

Hi all,

I'm working on a model of smoking quantity given initiation of regular smoking along the lines of Bares, Kendler, and Maes 2015 among others. I'm having a bit of trouble figuring out how to move from a more straightforward bivariate model to the CCC model by implementing the estimated path from initiation to quantity. For reference, this is designated b in Figure 1 at

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No user picture. Hal Joined: 09/10/2021

Troubleshooting Error Message - MxTryHard()


##I'm running the univariate ADE model using Hermine's script.
##When it comes to testing the assumptions of equal means and variances, I keep getting the following error message:

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No user picture. Hal Joined: 09/10/2021

Re-Randomize Twin Order

Is there a code to re-randomize twin order?


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No user picture. Hal Joined: 09/10/2021

Standardized Parameter Estimate Confidence Intervals

I'm using the OneACE5c Sex-Limitation model script which outputs both the standardized and unstandardized parameter estimates. However, it only includes the unstandardized CIs (I believe using the "mxRun( ModelName, intervals = T" command). Is there a way to get the standardized CIs as well?