Behavioral Genetics Models
Common and independent models
I am trying to fit a trivariate model with 3 continuous variables. I am also trying to fit the independent and common pathways models but I do not know if my script is correct.
My models have:
ADE: 27 parameters
Independent pathway model: 27 parameters
Common pathway model: 24 parameters
I think that number of parameters is correct but I am not sure. Also, I have negative values (for example dl_1_1, fl_2_1) and I do not know if it is correct.
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Bivariate model with binary and continuous variable
I am new to bivariate models and I have tried to adapt the twoACEj.R script by Hermine Maes from an ordinal to a binary variable in the below script. The script runs without errors, but my first question is whether my adaptations are correct?
phenotypic correlation
I am a little bit confused about how to calculate the phenotypic correlation between variable 1 and variable 2, in a bivariate model with one binary variable and one continuous variable.
I mean if I use this: mxEval(cov2cor(V), fitADE, T). I get a value of 0.200 whereas if I calculate the correlation in SPSS (also in R) I get a value of 0.150.
I do not know if I am doing something wrong. Should the results be the same right?
I have tried with different methods, with and without covariables etc… But I get the same value.
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System is exactly singular
I am running a trivariate Cholesky ADE model with one binary and two continuous variables. As profile-based confidence intervals took more than 24h to run and a lot of them were missing I decided to try bootstrapping. I ran mxBootstrap with 1000 replicates to get 95% CI and all looked fine except CI's for dominant genetic correlation rD. I get the following error:
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I am trying to do a univariate analysis with a binary variable. I am not sure how to treat siblings
I have created different groups MZ, DZ, SIB (which I think is the same as introduce SIB in the DZ group).
I have also checked if DZ and SIB can be equated through the saturated model and there are not significant differences when I equated means and variances between DZ and Sib
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Standardizing factor loadings
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Bootstrap CI's for algebras
Is it possible to get bootstrap confidence intervals for algebras? I am running a trivariate CHolesky decomposition model on binary variables and estimating CI's through mxCI takes more than 24h. When I ran mxBoostrap, I got CI's only for model parameters, but not for algebras. Is there a way to specify it? Or is there a way to reduce the time to running a model with intervals=T?
Thank you in advance!
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Multivariate Independent Pathway with Multiple Occasions
confidence intervals in a common pathway model (with constraint)
When I try and use Hunter's nice `mxSE(top.es_std[1,1], model = cp3)` function on to request the SE on the specific-e for variable 1), I get the following error:
Model does not have a reasonable Hessian or standard errors.
Model has at least one mxConstraint. This prevented standard error computation.
Try mxCI()
Including covariates to saturated model
I'm trying to run an ACE model for some imaging-derived measures and hope you could help me to solve some of the issues.
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